I just wanted to thank you for your post to Hugs, because it helped me tremendously also. You are an angel, yourself, with all of the help you are giving us. I appreciate your help on my other thread, as well as on this one. I hadn't thought about listening to the radio or reading. I've been getting up and doing circle word puzzles, a match three PC game or have left the t.v. on and the light on, all of which are making my mind awake and active, instead of relaxed and quiet and having an atmosphere which is conducive to sleep. Thanks and God bless you.
I was reading your post and wanted to help if I can..I used to have a very hard time sleeping when I was a caregiver 24/7 like you are now and when I did finally get to crawl in bed at night I would put on the radio and listen to talk radio, I would listen to channels that didn't talk politics or anything heavy just light weight stuff..Like talking about the stars or the planets or ufo's or angels etc.I would sometimes listen to sermons on the radio or quite gosbal music..Just anything to take my mind off my situation so that I could get a few hours of restful sleep..I don't know if this helps but doing anything that takes you mind the day events should help..Maybe a little quite reading would help...
I had trouble sleeping last night too. Mine was due to anxiety, although it's caused by positive stress, because of my move and new environment. I don't know when it will subside and I don't know when I'll ever get a good night's sleep again. Lack of sleep causes anxiety, so it's a vicious cycle. I wonder if you wrote your thoughts down on paper, so you can get them out and then rip them up as symbol of them being gone, would help? I know it's helped me when I've had too much on my mind. It's a way to empty your thoughts, so you can sleep. Sometime's it's hard to try to and figure out what is causing it, but maybe getting it out, is all you need. It's just one idea :)
I had trouble sleeping last night, since there was a dripping faucet, among the uneasy thoughts I had.
I remember a sage stating that if you keep pouring a pot of tea into a cup, it's like overwhelming oneself. If I can control the fllow of thoughts into myself, since I control the "switch" or rate of flow of the ideas, memories, thoughts, content, it would be like holding that pot of tea back.
I'll try it and see if I can, but sometimes it just seems as though someone evil is pouring the pot of tea, until I get overwhelmed, without my input.
Maybe it's about accountability or responsibility too