Thanks everyone,
I baked some whole wheat bread in a a bread maker, but I forgot to let the bread rise. I figured there would be nothing like fresh bread, and the smell is wonderful. The buns were hard, because I forgot to let the bread rise. I thought it would be easier than trying to figure out who sells good buns, and they're ridiculously expensive. The down side is the smoke, but the heat is good in the kitchen, which tends to be cold during the winter. I also used spelt whole wheat bread, so it might not be ideal. Whole wheat should be best.
I did successfully make broccoli soup, with a couple of onions, couple of potatoes, for a couple of days and it was successful. I even have chives growing in garden, which I was able to garnish the dish with!
Sometimes I think I'm making life harder. Caregiving needs to be simplified, rather than more difficult. Maybe I'm micromanaging, rather than delegating. I know I used to delegate to some extent during my whole life, but being hands-on might not be productive, sometimes.
I just have too much to do.
I want to pick my battles, prioritize, but it's as though I'm pouring tea into a cup with one hand, and the other hand is complaining to the other, that I'm taking on too much. How do I get the two hands to talk
Josie, was that a blog or a post