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What are my anxious thoughts?

for 12 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Just one more idea.  Would you be able to start a gratitude journal?  You write what you are thankful for in it.  It may sound silly, but it helps you to focus on the positive and on what you have instead of what you don't have.  And, over time, it trains you to look for the good instead of the bad.  When I was depressed, I thought, I don't have anything to be thankful for, then I thought, well, I can breathe, I can walk, I can see, I can hear.  There are a lot of people who can't, so even if you have to start with the most basic ideas, they surprisingly, will snow ball into other things you're grateful for.  I have every thing in my journal from family, friends, and health, to a great cup of coffee and seeing a butterfly :)

for 12 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

P.S.  To answer your question.  Yes!, I do believe we can make our walls with cement.  I honestly believe it!  It just takes time for the cement to harden and become strong!  You are building a great foundation for that to happen!

for 12 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi rohit131,

There is also a sister site to this one, it's on the bar above, under "More Help", there is a Depression Center.  A lot of times panic and anxiety are combined with depression, so please don't feel bad about it.  I think that writing out your negative thoughts and then writing a positive one next to it, to over ride the negative will help.  And, then focus on the positive statement.  I think you're doing a great job despite this challenge.  You are a strong person and can deal with this adversity and we are all here to support you.  I've found posting, and the support group, to be very beneficial to address issues on a more personal and individual level.  You can be specific and get answers to your specific situation and needs, and that's what's helped me a lot, in addition to this program.  Hang in there and don't you give up!  And, please be kind to yourself and give yourself a break.  You are doing the best you can and you will improve, I have every faith in you :)  I'm glad you're here.  Every day is a new day and just keep trying and that's all any of us can do - try :)

for 12 år siden 0 101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi shari,
Thanks for your good words....
My case of depression is as old as 15 yrs.At this age of 32,I have to leave all my job,all my respect 
& everything due to depression.Its find difficult to fight again & again with anxiety 
& depression.The problem is that I now require a long term systematic approach to cure the depression and anxiety as the professional world is full of enemies who hates your progress and tries to up bring hurdles in your path as much as they can.
Offcourse we are weak,thats why we lost everything.Our confidence is like that of a Wall whose bricks are levelled with soil rather than concrete cement.Whenever there is attack on wall it simply FALLS DOWN without offering any resistance.
Can we be able to make our walls as those with cement ever ??????

Hi Vincenza,
I am constanly in touch with panic program CBT; which brings me some relief for a small time when I attempt to make challanges against negative thoughts.I started this program just 20 days back and religiously following the guidelines for my betterment & upgradation.
Some examples of negative thought that are effecting me-
-I am full of negative & a lot of my energy/time is consumed in self treatment.
-I feel I am being humiliated by my friends on several ocassions.I am not able to respond to them at time when I am    humiliated.They simply comes;make fun of me & go away.I lack self respect and self esteem.
-My facial expression clearly indicates I am suffering from depression.My friends and collueges express sympathy in humiliating manner which hurts me and I am not able to respond to them in any manner.
-In office,I am not able to do my work in effective manner.I always remain confused and lack decision making in my professional job.
-I lack concentration and proper thoughts to accomplish my goals in professional life.This is the very reason of my failure in  professional life

There is a series of endless negative which I am trying to challange as per guidelines of the course.

Any advices on this aspect of personality of mine?



for 12 år siden 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi rohit131, 

Shari offered great advice with the importance of counteracting your illogical, negative thoughts with true, positive statements.  To further help you with this, I encourage you to work through the Panic Program:  Milestone 3 discusses ways to challenge negative thoughts.  
What are some examples of negative thoughts that have been affecting you?  How can you reframe your thought to a positive outlook?
Vincenza, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Whatever negative though you have, you have to address it and counteract it with a positive true statement to over ride the negative one.  Over time, as you do it, your thoughts go to automatic positive thoughts rather than default to negative thoughts.


You are right, regarding:  when your thoughts are the loudest, that's when it's easiest to identify them.  Great observation!


for 12 år siden 0 101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Its seems difficult to control over the anxious thoughts... It all depends upon the situations...when circumstances favours you;the mood And thought are OK. But under negative circumstances,its difficult to control over the thoughts.Its become difficult to face the situation.Results.....there is surrender without any fight. Can anyone suggest how to boost ourself & maintain self belief in negative circumstances?
for 12 år siden 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Marjoso,
When I first started treatment, I found it extremely hard to identify my thoughts too. As you have said, there is a cycle and at the moment you can identify the feelings and notice your behaviour but you can't quite identify your thoughts. A lot of this comes with time, and over time I have been able to work out what I'm thinking. When it comes down to it, I'm quite sure you do already know what some of your anxious thoughts are. My psychologist always told me our thoughts are like a radio constantly playing in the background. Sometimes you will listen in, such as when your favourite song plays, but most of the time it's just a noise that you don't pay much attention to. As Davit mentioned, the majority of our thoughts are subconscious- the radio in the background. Over time you will get better at knowing your thoughts and that's when you can start challenging them.

I also saw a Buddhist quote once that went somewhere along the lines of, 'The greater the fear, the closer you are to the truth.' When I'm really afraid, worried or having a panic attack are the times my thoughts are the loudest, as though my mind is shouting them. This is when it's easiest for me to identify them.

Hope this helps,
for 12 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks. I will keep looking. It's good to know that it's not just me. Very helpful.
for 12 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Marjoso,

Excellent question, anxious thoughts can be hard to find as they are so automatic you may not even notice them. Davit has given you some great advice. To add to what he said, also be sure you are taking careful thought records and keep looking - you will eventually find them. Also, check out the Questions to the Expert section. There is one question under the topic CBT that is simalar to what you are asking.
Let us know what information you find helpful.
Ashley, Health Educator

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