A large part of your thoughts have to be subconscious for two reasons. One is that there is not time to make decisions on every thing and if you did the information flow would drive you crazy. Therefore a lot of what you do you do based on past memory. (all of it actually) This is where the edgy feeling comes from. Too much negative in your memory. (probably a lot of it suppressed so it doesn't show)
CBT can teach you how to bury these memories with positive thoughts so subconscious thought doesn't disturb you.
For me, I first accept that there is something there that needs to be buried even if I don't know what it is.
Second I do something or think something pleasant to bury it so that next time I access it, even subconscious I will get something that doesn't make me edgy. This takes time but does work purely on the principle of last entered first accessed.
One important thing is to accept the negative when it happens and let it go. Don't dwell on it. You don't want it in your memory. And yes this can be hard to do.
I am having a hard time finding my anxious thoughts. I know that I'm uncomfortable, and in a cycle, but it just feels like a trembling, doom and gloom. I know that I don't like it, and I don't want to be in that place, but I don't think I'm really thinking about anything specific. Does that make sense? Any thoughts?