How are u feeling now? I know exactly how u feel. There was one point when i felt like my panic was under control...then all of a sudden it came very strong. Are u on any meds right now?
Dont worry, just try to calm down. This too WILL PASS...i promise. And I promise that you will get over this and you will get in the car and drive again. Its JUST ANXIETY that is producing this unwanted and confusing FEAR inside of us. Its not you. So just do some relaxation techniques as recommended above. Try to think positive. Think of the wonderful progress you have made and use this progress to make you feel better.
plz post and let me know how u are feeling!~ :)
Have you tried relaxation techniques? What about breathing techniques? For tonight, prepare by reducing your anxiety level as much as you can. Try a hot bath, some soothing music or a warm beverage? Tomorrow do sign up for the Panic Diary where you can record your daily level of anxiety. You can also find how helpful it is to use breathing techniques to help you deal with your panic and anxiety. The Panic Program can help you understand more and may help you go about challenging your thoughts.
Take Care,
The Panic Center Support Team
i don't know what to do my panic is out of control. I can't drive anywhere and I'm alwasy scared. I'm not streesesuy. Evervthing is going great in my life. I had my panic under contol and now i feel worse than i have ever.