Thanks for sharing. You have obviously made progress and need to pinpoint areas to work on. Try taking the test and bring it to your next appointment. This may better help assess the situation.
The Panic Center Support Team.
hi ALL.
i have not posted in a while but read everyones post most nights.
i have been doing well for the past 3 months no panic attacks since december still lots of anxiety.i have been trying to cut back on my meds due to weight gain but struggling with it.iam okay but i live in a small town and no most people and when i hear of someone dying i start with the cycle again.i keep thinking my doctor has missed something or maybe i need the tests done again as its been a year since they were done.i havea pain in my shoulders amd collwe bone all the time my left arms gets a tight band around it asnd my joints are sore all the time any idea what this.
i now fear i will be lioke this forever