Hi Anxious in Toronto! I totally get anxious when there is any CHANGE. It can be the smallest change ever and i feel like its the biggesttt deal. Even, for example, if i'm in the car with my family and we are going to dinner somewhere. If I know the way to get there, I feel more comfortable that i know the directions etc....but if he changes the route that he takes....i freak out. I start to get panicky cause i don't know this new route. I know it sounds funny, but this used to make me so nervous. I am getting better at these small changes.
However, big changes do make me nervous. i really dont' know how to deal with them. I guess its a matter of training ourselves to not make such a big deal. There is a book called "don't sweat the small stuff." Its pretty interesting and gives some good suggestions for being more easy going. But then again, we have a hard time to just take things easy lol.
I really suggest just calming yourself down and having time for yourself. Try meditating or something. Just think to yourself that moving is a wonderful thing! U will have a fresh new home in a matter of one week. Yes it will be tiring moving everything....but thats totally normal....millions of people in the world are moving right this second....everyone does it eventually! But once you settle in, everything will be just fine! Try to positive talk! Make this task a fun one. Let moving be FUN! Try to find the joy in moving to a new bright home.
Just practice! It will make you feel better! If there is anything i can do to help, let me know! U probably live around the corner hehehe.