Hello Everyone. I haven't posted in a few days but I just wanted to touch base and let everyone know that I have actually had 5 mostly anxiety free days in a row. It has been the best feeling, something I haven't felt in awhile. I have had some anxious moments when the feelings and thoughts crept back in for a second but I worked on my positive self-talk and it has actually worked. I am by no means "over" my anxiety. That's something that I don't think will every completely happen, but at least for the last few days I felt in control instead of the other way around. I just wanted to let people know that holding onto the anxious feelings and making them go on for days can easily be turned around. Why not hold onto the good feelings and keep them around longer? I know its easier to hold onto the bad stuff, but sometimes, it just feels so good to look your anxiety in the eye (well you know what I mean...lol) and tell it where to go.
I hope this lasts for awhile longer, but if not, I will definitely treasure these wonderful last 5 days!!! Yay Me!