Hey! i can relate, in the past year of my life i've quit smoking, stopped drinking, and worked really really hard at undoing alot of the wrongs i had done in my past. but i still don't feel like a good person, no matter how many people say i'm a great guy and i have alot going for me and that i'm good looking,and that i'm a great friend it never seems to sink in, i used to be such a confident person, not afraid of being judged, i never used to search for compliments from others. now i feel like i'm a ghost and people can read my thoughts and when they meet me they know all the poor choices i've made in the past all the wrongs i've done. I get days where for some reason i feel like i just committed some horrible crime and that i don't deserve to be alive or i feel guilt (which leads to more deprssion) about things beyond my immediate control, like how i have certain material things like clothes etc., and that there is someone ealse who could benifit from the things i have so much more.
I'm really working at improving my self worth in small steps, i've started with integrity, pretty much i'll tell myself i'm going to do something and then i will do it, at first it's usually small stuff like "tonight i'm going to do the dishes right after dinner" and then i do my absolute best to make sure i get them done. other times i'll help someone ealse out, like the other night someone asked me to help them move some furniture it took me almost two hours and i was already exhusted from working all day, and when they tried to pay me i refused,... it felt good to know that they appreciated my help enough to pay me for my time and i was willing to help for free. frequently i just get in ruts, they kind of seem like the one your in now, it takes time and alot of effort, but i pull through and you will too. Your stronger than you believe you are at the moment, try to focus on what you want to feel and not what your going through at the moment, and eventually you'll get to where you want to be. the support you give to others on these fourms is awesome, you are great at helping people get through the hard times.