Hi everyone. We had a little situation in our house yesterday. We got home from the long weekend and the house had a different smell. It smelt like gas or something. So i began to get anxious. My sister started to feel like she was going to vomit, and she felt dizzy. As soon as she told me this, i began to panic. She is so strong and i look up to her, so for her to feel this way, I thought for sure something is wrong. The fire department came to check it out.......they said it not a gas leak.......nothing was wrong. I was so nervous. And for some reason, i STILL AM. I keep thinking negative thoughts about this. Am I abnormal for still feeling nervous even after the firefighters told us its nothing????
I tried to fall asleep last night but my stomach was in knots and my breathing was heavy. I woke up this morning with heavy breathing still. I just feel upset cause this is my home.....the place where i should feel comfortable and safe. I dont' want to have anxiety just being here.
I mean, if something was really wrong in the home, how can i distinguish between my anxiety symptoms and symptoms from an actual gas leak? I guess it would be much worse. But then again, anxiety can make you feel anything. I'm so confused lol :confuse:
I just want to know if my feelings of being nervous are right.....or if just the anxiety acting up and playing games with me.
I wish i can just be stronger in these situations!
thanks for listening