Well, I had my appointment yesterday and the infection has sread. I guess the IV antibiotics aren't working. So, now I am taking another antibiotic along with the IV. Also, because it spread, the doctor cut it open yesterday and had to squeeze most of the pus out. I had the hugest panic attack right before she did it!! My heart was pounding out of my chest and I couldn't stop shaking. But, I kept telling myself it was ok and made it through. I had to go back in again last night so she could recheck it and she said it looks better. It is really swollen and black now. I think if I could stop being dizzy and nauseous, I would feel better, but, as it is.... The anxiety isn't helping with that I'm sure. I have to go back in again this morning. I'm really hoping it's good news. This is proving quite difficult to deal with.
Thanks for your support - it really helps!