More important things? Pfft thanks a lot Davit! Just kidding, I know what you mean. Enjoy your garden!
Very good point! Imagination, that is way so many people who have anxiety normally have high intelligence. You have to be pretty creative and smart to come up with all the scary scenarios that cause anxiety.
This is my last comment before I leave to do more important things. (for me anyway)
If you can not find a logical reason for your panic then it is imagined. If you can imagine something bad then you can imagine something good to stop it.
After all what is imagination other than picking pieces out of your memory to see where they go.
And since there is no logical reason for a panic attack where else is it coming from but your memory. Think about it. Panic is a symptom not a cause, even what you think of as the cause is only a symptom of memory. "Imagination" Taking a remote memory and making it worse. imagining it to be part of the situation now. If you can't stop panic by seeing the illogic in a situation then you can use imagination as a coping skill to change the situation to one you can handle.
Time to garden big time now. See you if it rains bad or snows.