Each individual has different triggers for their anxiety. For many people when they feel anxious symptoms they may focus on these symptoms and assign a negative meaning to them which will make anxiety worsen.Our minds are very, very powerful. We have the ability to change our mood with our thinking. Obviously I am simplifying the process but essentially this is true. People who are anxious may have negative thought patterns that contribute to their anxiety. These thought patterns are learned. We can unlearn them and create new thought patterns that serve us. This is where the program comes in. We need to systematically change our thinking which will in turn change how we feel. Knowing this can be equally overwhelming and empowering. But again you can decide which feeling to focus on.
There is an excellent post from our expert Dr. Farvolden in the Ask the Expert section. Check out "panic symptoms".
This is what happens to me, I am overly aware of even the slightest change in my body that it automatically registers as something bad. I am constantly dizzy so I start to panic and think I will collapse. It is controlling my life.
I bring my panic on by worrying about feeling dizzy out of breath and then I start feeling that's sensations. Is that what panic is? We work ourselves upto these sensations?
I would think it and then start worrying about it and then feeling it.