My anxiety have most impact on social life, but it´s more related with core beliefs. I think the rest of my problems is more related with depression so I´m starting reading
Find a goal that you want to work on. It sounds like you are not too excited about either goals. Sometimes anxiety just appears in our thoughts and not in our environment. Are there particular thoughts that cause you great anxiety? Also, how does anxiety effect your day to day life. Where does anxiety have the most impact?
Jay Dee, I wasn´t sure if it would be good to do it, but I think it´s better because I don´t want to stop now. I´m have been progressing in a very good way.
Even if you don't have any fears you should continue with the program. I have many fears aside from driving. The next session if I'm correct, is on avoidance. I was the queen of avoidance prior to doing this course. I can still be at times but then realize what I am doing and change my thoughts so I don't avoid. I pretty sure I read in the beginning of course, you can move around to different areas if one doesn't pertain to you.
I stopped the program around 2 weeks ago because I´m struggling with this part of program 4. I don´t have any particular fear to set on goals. The main problem I have now is social anxiety, but I don´t want to force conversations to happen, things has to happen naturally for me to develop a conversation and for me to enjoy it.
The only other fear I have is to be far for my sos anxiety medication, in case I have a panick attack and don´t have them near me. But I don´t know if this it is good goal.