Hi Ianwpg,
I am not sure if you have checked out the program on the site or not, but if you follow the steps outlined there you may be able to address these concerns in the program. It is important to start with goals that are meaningful to you and to start with very small steps to eventually work towards your ultimate goal which in this case for example, may be to modify your behaviour to apply to the situation you described here.
The Panic Center Support Team
SO heres my issue and im hoping someone can help me. MY panic always comes about when trying not to call my ex. It can be overwhelming. If i do call and get the answering maching i start panickying that he will never call me back. I then will check often calling his number and blocking from where im calling from in order to see if hes home and just not calling me back. I know all this sounds stupid but thats where its at and I need someone to help me break this pattern.