Hi Lucy,
Yes, yes and yes. I get the "skipped" heartbeats too, about once or twice a month. Sometimes it's just one or 2 in a 5 minute time period. It sort of makes me gasp and I feel it in my chest. Then I take my pulse. (I do a lot of that) I had the doctors tell me a few things, but what I finally did was have a halter for 24 hours, and out of 61,000 beats, I had 13 benign "skipped" beats, which really aren't skipped. It's been a few years. Anyway, the bottom line is, I've been having this "heart attack" since I'm 11 and every single test I've had whenever I have a "strange" heartbeat comes up with absolutely nothing or nothing unusual. It seems we're just more aware of our bodies than others and most skipped beats are normal.
Repeating our motto: You're not alone!
Take care, and I hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day! I'll have to find the board for mindless chatter, cause I had something really cute happen to me and I don't have anyone to tell. :(