Driving is a big responsibility. I can understand why you would be nervous about it. Another thing that may be making the panic worse is when you feel the stress of other people getting frustrated with you. Just take your time and do it at your own pace. If the panic/anxiety continues, see your family doctor, and just explain what has been happening. Your not alone, even people who don't have panic/anxiety disorder have stress when it comes to driving. Keep posting your thoughts and let us know how you are doing. We're here for you.
Take care,
Good Evening!
To be honest Julianne, I do not know one person who was not afraid of getting behind the wheel. It is all in how we cope with "the anxiety". We have to take baby steps. I remember finally starting to drive on my own after one year. All my friends had their licenses and I felt so far behind. However, once I got the courage to get behind the wheel I did my fair share of being the "DD". So, in the end Julianne it all can work out! It may take days, months and years to get there....but we do eventually get the courage to deal with our anxiety!
So hang in there! Don't worry about what others think and do not rush into anything until you are ready!
Take care,
I feel like such a loser.Im 18 years old and I can NOT drive.All of my friends are driving and I work and go out that is even hard.I have to have my parents drive me to work everyday.Plus they have to pick me up.Whenever I get behind the wheel I go into this state of shock.It actually hurts.I'm trying to move out of my house in may but I cant do that if I cant drive.Im so scared that other people will see my mistakes or that I will crash and hurt someone else.My boyfriend has been tryig to teach me but he gets so flustered when I tell him I have to stop.Ive been doing so well with everthing else why can't I get over this thing.Please if anyone else feels like this tell me I just want to know that im not the child that myfamily is telling me I am.