Help! Question for moderators too.
I finished week one of the Panic Program a couple of days ago and moved to Session Two. Tried to fill in form for Weekly Review. Not easy - most of the week's info I'd typed straight into the Panic Diary, and with no access to that, most of the stuff had to be from memory. (Obviously need to keep independant record). I'd also ballsed up on an early entry which I couldn't change, so results a bit inaccurate.
Even more reason to fill in Weekly Review accurately, I thought. So I tried - it took me AGES! I submitted it, it told me my results were being reviewed. But now when I tried to continue Session Two, my Weekly Review is showing nothing, it's like the page was never filled in.
What did I do wrong? Am I going to have to do it all again?
Now I REALLY feel stupid!
Couldn't have come at worse time, worse day for yonks.