Oh Allison my heart breaks for you. I know what you are feeling and going through, there is nothing wrong with a good cry, it releases the tension and pain, I am praying you feel better. Today is my birthday and I so hoped I would have a good day, not as good as I thought, I woke up coughing alot of mucus streaked with blood and of course I have "lung cancer" so I know how you feel. I am going to light my candle for you and I and hope by tonight our symptoms will ease up, do not feel alone I and many others have felt this way, you are not going insane, panic and depression can make you feel like that but you are not, I worry about that I even had a dream I was in a asylum!! Anytime you need to talk I am here, I totally understand and its going ease up Allison. GOd bless you, Debbie.