Hello to you both, and Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you for the thoughts and advice.
I've delt with these symptoms for probably 2/3 of my life. I'm now 40.
I was seeing a very good therapist for about 10 years and went over a number of issues, including losing my mother to cancer when I was ten, and a number of other issues. I live a bit far from her now so I only go when really neccesary.
The feelings I described can stay with me a few weeks, or be gone for a few months and then resurface. I guess it's easiest to come here and vent when they happen.
I'm on a very small amount of meds right now. I was on prozac from 1993 to 2003, but got off it because I felt it was not doing any good. I worked with my doctor and got off it slowly. I do take amytripulin/perphenazine. It's a mild anti depressant and anti phsycotic. I also take a number of natural suppliments, plenty of B-vitamins and others.
My diagnosis from several doctors is that I suffer from atypical depression, which basically means I have anxiety, panic disorder, depression and all the symptoms that go together with those. It's a surety they I do also have some sort of post traumatic stress disorder. Losing my mother at 10 was so terrible. I sometimes felt abandoned. But I also worked on that with my therapist and when I'd participate in group therapy.
As far as lifestyle, I exercise regularly, eat well and stay away from bad habits like drinking, smoking, etc.
Anyway, I'd be interested in learning more about what treatment you described. I forget what you called it. I have tried CBT, but not regularly.
I think the best medicine I found yet comes in the form of love from my wife of just under a year. January will be our First Anniversary :)
OK, better end here for now. Please let me know a little more detail about what you mentioned.
Take care,