Wow you are doing great! Two days in a row you went out there and faced your fears! That is great! Congratulations, you should reward yourself! You go girl!
Hi faryal and thanks, i didnt get quite as far today but just me and my daughter did get round the corner which i was happy about because being out with my kids is something that i find difficult to cause i dont want them see me panic, thanks for your advice, ill go out again tomorrow
Congrats on making it past your first goal! Hopefully if you can repeat this exercise 2 or 3 more times in the next week or so you will start to feel more comfortable and confident.
Good luck at your next attempt and let us know how it goes.
Thanks Diva i tried the exposure thing yesterday, put my first goal as down the street and round corner to the pub, got to there with my partner and then a little further, felt fine, had a little panic on the way back home, think it was cause i could see the distance i had gone lol, but i didnt do it right cause instead of just challenging the thoughts i walked faster, so will try again today
Hi sarah, thanks for replying, ive not been out cause ive been avoiding it, but last night i went onto session 3 and also had a peek at session 4, i think i need to start doing exposure work and then i can get the anxious thoughts to challenge, so im gonna give it a try tomorrow after ive read all of session 4 properly and done the goals.
Thanks again, i will keep posting and let ya know how i get on and hopefully have a sucsess story soon to help other people xx
You mentioned that you are not having panic attacks because you have not been going outside. Is this because you have not had the opportunity to leave the house or have you been avoiding going outside? Perhaps try challenging your anxious thoughts about going outside and expose yourself to this environment.
The following ten questions will help you to challenge any anxious thoughts. When you have an anxious thought, answer some of these 10 questions:
1. Is it "true"?
2. How do I know it’s true?
3. Is it 100% true? (remember something that is 75% or 99% true is
not 100% true)
4. What's the evidence for it being true?
5. What’s the evidence against it being true?
6. Has it ever happened before?
7. What's different now?
8. If it were true, how bad would it really be?
9. What's the worst thing that could happen?
10. If the worst thing happened, how bad would it really be?
However, if you feel like you have enough knowledge to complete the forms then you should do so. If you feel like you need to move onto session three and you are comfortable with doing so, then this is encouraged.
Post often and let us know how you are doing and how you are finding the homework. We are here for you!
Im having a bit of trouble on the homework bit, it says its essential to do your homework everyday to help get you better, so im upto session 2 and its the panic attack forms and the anxious thought forms and the tracker, but as i dont go out i dont have panic attacks or anxious thoughts everyday, especially last few days as ive felt really good in the house even being left alone, so what do i do if i dont panic all week and i need move onto session 3?