Congrats on reaching that one year milestone!!! Woooo Hooooo for you!!! It sure looks like everything is really looking up for you these days AND you are SMOKE-FREE!!! Can it get any better than this??? I'm so proud of you and happy for your success!!!
Just when I thought I was not going to get a Daughter went and got a new car and in return gave her car to ME! So...I have given the money that I do have to HER! I am TOTALLY BLESSED!
I am healing and will be seeing the doctor for another recheck soon. I AM SO GLAD TO NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT GOING OUTSIDE TO SMOKE as I HEAL!
Bill...Thanks for always being there for me....thanks for being my Quit Buddy!
Will check back in soon...I AM BACK.....
The only only advise I can give to anyone Ashley is:
Hi DebbyP !!! It is so good to see you again and to see you doing so well ! Congratulations on passing the year mark I knew you would make it as you are one of the strongest people I have ever met.
Don't be a stranger !
Your Friend and Quit Bud,
William - Free and Healing for One Year, Four Months, Seven Days, 22 Hours and 28 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 60 Days and 6 Hours, by avoiding the use of 17358 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $7,972.38.
Woo Hoo DebbyP! A whole year smoke free and looking forward to two years! You are doing great & there's no looking back now! Just a few more months of ex-cig money squirreled away . . . and by then you'll be all better from your surgery and you can get shopping for that car you have in mind : ) Great to see you here today : ) Take Care
I am amazed what life seems to throw at you....and how we are tested EVERYDAY on the N.O.P.E. I Made it past a year and looking forward to the 2 year mark! I am sorry I have not been active here...have had ALOT of medical issues...but I am happy to say that it looks like I am healthy! I had plans to get a used car with it...but my health has told me different...just had emergency gallbladder surgery the day after my birthday....6-20-12 surgery.