Thanks for sharing Timbo! Your reply made me lol.
It's great that your wife did try to mitigate your exposure to smoke without you having to ask. I hope she quits soon too. I would be thrilled to see her post here.
Thanks again for inspiring us.
Take care,
Hi Ashley,
"Did you put boundaries around smoking" I've been married for over 44 can't put boundaries around your spouse for anything if you want to keep the peace! LOL ?
She did it all on her own. The day I quit she started going outside to have her fix and she's been doing it outside ever since. She was and still is very supportive my endeavor. Gotta love that woman... Even after 10 years, cigarettes' still smell good from a distance to me. Up close not so much anymore. Just wish I could convince her that she needs to give it a go and try to quit. I've pushed that boundary a little too far a few times and caught heck about it. She'll quit when she's ready.... just hope it's not too late for her before she decides to give it a try.
We're all going to die one day, I just hope I die from old age!
Stay strong!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 808 Hours: 6
Minutes: 30 Seconds: 4
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Congratulations Timbo! Amazing work.
Thank you for posting.
It's really impressive you were able to stay strong in your resolve despite living with someone who smokes. That would be a huge trigger for many. How were you two able to manage that? Did you put boundaries around smoking? Or do anything else to help avoid the temptation?
Well another year has come and gone, and today marks my 1st decade smoke free. 10 years ago today I decided I'd had enough of this terrible habit and decided to try and quit. It's actually my first real attempt, I'm one of the lucky ones I guess. Like I keep telling my wife, who's still a smoker, it's all in your head. If you want it bad enough, you can do it. Your mind is a wonderful machine and can do just about anything IF you give it your all.
Hope everyone is having a great day today.
Stay safe and remember...Not One Puff Ever!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 808 Hours: 6
Minutes: 30 Seconds: 4
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Thanks for sharing Timbo! Making the choice to quit is the hardest part for many people. Were you able to quit for good the first time or did it take you a few tries? It normally takes people many tries before they have a successful quit.
Continue to lead by example with your wife. Sometimes the more we push people to change the more resistant they are to change. I hope your good example eventually rubs off on your wife.
Thanks again for posting!
Thank you Lynn, and thank you Ashley.
Even after 9 years I am still tickled pink about quitting smoking. ? I still keep pestering my wife about giving it up too. Sometimes I go a little too far and get in the doghouse. Then I back off and try a little less harder....for a while. I just keep hoping that ONE day she too will decide to try and kick the habit. (fingers crossed)
Ashley, the hardest part, for me, was actually choosing a date and then giving it a go. I really didn't think I would be able to stop smoking after 37+ years, but I gave it all I could, and low and behold, here I am a quitter 9 years later!
Stay strong and stay safe....
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 808 Hours: 6
Minutes: 30 Seconds: 4
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Happy belated quit day Timbo!
Thank you for posting and inspiring as usual.
What was the hardest part of quitting for you and how did you overcome it?
Take care!
Happy belated quit day to you, happy belated quit day to you, happy belated quit day dear Timbo, happy belated quit day to you!
Congratulations! 9 years is an accomplishment. It sounds like we have a similar feeling about your new life. A life that is not controlled by a substance. I agree with what you said in your post. If it's something you want, give it everything you have. Nice work! :)
Happy quit day to me, happy quit day to me, happy quit day dear Timbo, happy quit day to me! ?
Nine very quick years ago, on this day, I gave up smoking forever. I have NEVER regretted becoming a quitter. Life only got BETTER when I was no longer controlled by that nasty NicoDemon. Are you thinking about stopping smoking too? You really can do it if you persist and really want to quit. It's all in the mindset. Give it 110% every day and you too can conquer the addiction. Take back YOUR life and enjoy the days, weeks and years that lay ahead of you. You CAN do it too.
Stay safe and stay strong everybody!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 808 Hours: 6
Minutes: 30 Seconds: 4
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked