Great lesson learned early on in your quit! Remember everything about that night and that cigar when the nico-demon sneaks up on you the next time... and it WILL sneak up on you again! N.O.P.E. can be a hard lesson to learn... even though is sounds so darned easy. Keep on taking it one day at a time and reward yourself often... keys to keeping your quit!
Good for you for putting out that yucky cigar. As Ashley said, maybe you needed that little slip to remind you why you decided to quit in the first place. I also found NOPE to be very helpful. It has helped me every step of the way. Keep the quit, I'm rooting for you.
This is a very important lesson. Many failed quits occur because individuals convince themselves that one puff won't hurt. Committing to NOPE is the only way to remain smoke free.
It sounds like this small slip was a good experience for you and strengthen your quit resolve even more.
On 24th October, I was at a dinner. We were offered cigars, at the end. I took it. I had drunk a lot of wine, it felt appropriate. I smoked one puff. I immediately put it off. Then, confusing feelings flooded me. Mainly disappointment and lack of confidence. I thought it all finished there. I was on my 10th smoke free day. If I told myself it was over, then it would be over; I would smoke again. If I told myself not to give great value to the incident, then I could do it again. So?
I realised that I am a permanently addicted person. One puff brings all the psychological additction to the initial level. Therefore, the lesson is: NOPE. If something is bad and not needed, then its not needed. Period. Full stop.
Quitting is a journey. I had an accident on the journey that almost took me off road. I learned something. This is it. I learned something. I learned that if I want to smoke, let me smoke all the way. But I do not. Let me just remember how I felt as a smoker. Therefore I HAVE TO ACCEPT THE REALITY. I have to give it up all the way. No compromises. This is a reality I must come into terms with. Even if it sound like giving up something of value, let it be this way. The reality is that it feels like that, but it is not. I give up nothing of value. I give up poisoning. Smoking a cigar is like death penalty. Not smoking a cigar for ever, is being free, clean, confident, proud, empowered, for ever.