Has an illness, addiction or other left your self-esteem in the gutter? In the weeks to come, we will be exploring various strategies to help rebuild your self-esteem:
Do not dismiss praise or recognition from outside sources. Say thank you. (This gets easier with practice )
On the flipside, DO NOT accept put downs from others. This is a non-negotiable. Constructive criticism is now the accepted norm for you!
Accept that not everyone will like you. It’s a fact of life. Some people just aren’t meant to be friends or lovers. Find people you do bond with and build relationships with them.
Stop comparing yourself to others. You are unique. You are special in your own way and you have your own strengths. Change the focus back to you every time you feel yourself falling back into that old habit of comparison.
Stop looing at Facebook! People on Facebook only post their best pictures and items they want to share. Having a perfect looking life on Facebook doesn't translate to an actual perfect life so there is no point in comparing!