Thread | Replies | Views | Seneste beskeder |
7mg for me today... | 13 | 146 | Marg |
I've thought about Peter Jennings all day | 15 | 138 | freedomforme |
Make the quit procees short - Forget about it | 2 | 83 | freedomforme |
The Rant of An Old Quitter | 16 | 196 | Riverdale Man |
Additives/chemicals - why are they added?? | 3 | 116 | NewPapa 007 |
Oh my Goodness | 5 | 82 | live4myboyz |
Finding your Strength to Beat this Addiction!!! | 4 | 68 | Kaitilina |
Ugh!!!! Its the bloody day in and day out of it... | 9 | 100 | ttin |
How do you use features? | 6 | 52 | needtostop |
Nicotine gum and Dentures | 5 | 60 | jambo101 |
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