There is a yoga program that I use which is very good for people with limited mobility. It is Peggy Cappy's Yoga, she was a website etc. She uses a chair for the poses which helps with my back.
I don't think I can do Tai Chi with a cane. I used to a long time ago. It was more for my Arthritis than anything. I haven't done meditation in over 45 years, it may be time to start again. I'm happy with 80% panic free but it would be nice to get even more.
I started a meditation class and the instructor guides us while we shut our eyes. (Sometimes I can't shut them and that's fine too.) She suggested some beneficial poses to do meditation in but in the end she told us we can start from any pose that is comfortable and we can move around as we meditate to find a pose that is comfortable. So I usually start by laying on my side and put a pillow between my legs. But I move around A LOT. But it's all good. Sometimes I cry too because she says nice affirmations as I close my eyes. I find that having a live instructor guide me helps me the most. The days without class, I listen to an app on my phone or myself recorded reading visualizations of the warm beach while mixing some affirmations as well. Last week, my therapist introduced me to very basic Tai Chi poses and I loved it. It was very slow and relaxing yet I can feel areas of my body stretching and flexing. She told me to be aware of my feet touching the earth and I realized the folds on my socks in my shoes and the warmth and realized the energy there. It was serene. Over all these things help me quiet my mind and pay attention to my surroundings and the NOW.
I've tried two classes, and am trying to find the right instructor who is sensitive to accommodating me, since I can't sit, and good a communicating. So far I've been lucky, and found some peace so I can get to sleep at night.
Yoga & meditation are found to have very positive results in curing depression.I am now devoting my 1 hr daily for yoga & meditation in early morning.'Surdashan kriya' a pranayam technique developed by Sri Sri RaviShankar ji is very famous in India for curing of depression & anxiety. Previously I used to feel that it has its effect for a small time.But continous practice really gives long term benefit.
I feel good ,better & deeply relaxed after doing 'Sudarshan Kriya'.
All of that is true but what of the person who can't do the positions. I know there are chair exercises and meditation can be done in any comfortable position. I feel that they are mostly feel good add ons to support CBT. They like my gardening can be very calming.