wow! Congrats on losing 70 lbs already. That is an amazing achievement.
Take your time with the program but I have a hunch session 7 on Stimulating Panic might be most helpful to you. But remember you have to work up to this session.
If you have any questions or thoughts please post - you are not in this alone.
The trigger is my racing heart. Sometimes it is compounded by getting overheated. I am overweight. I have 58 more lbs to lose. I have done it before. I lost 70 lbs already. I worked out every day. I'm not sure why I can't do that now.
I will go through this program and pray that it helps me.
This is actually quite common. For many people the rise in heart rate can trigger panic attacks. The program here can help you take control of it. A big part of that will be desensitizing yourself to bodily sensations (like a rise in heat rate) that trigger anxiety. Start the program and take your time with it. Each session will take about a week to complete.
How are you feeling today? Were you able to get started on the program?
There was a person on here had a similar fear. Exercise made her fear going for a walk incase she couldn't get back. She knew it was a ridiculous fear so did it anyway but some times had to rest after. I don't know if she ever got over it. Last I heard she still went for walks and does exercise.
So what is the actual fear? And what is the trigger? I know people some times fear their heart racing, especially if there have been heart attacks in their family.
What did you use for your other triggers and since CBT is a changing of thought patterns why won't it work. Am I right in guessing you are over weight? I'm also presuming there is no physical reason you can't exercise.
I have never posted here before. I have suffered from Panic Disorder for 6 years now. I have overcome almost all triggers at this point, but one thing that will give me a panic attack every time is exercise. Even the thought of exercising makes me start to feel short of breath. It's so frustrating, because I desperately need to exercise, yet exercise = panic!
Has anyone out there gone through something similar and overcome it? What are some tools or techniques I can use to get over this debilitating trigger?