Hi there! I am very new here. I was just going through the first session of the program, when I came across "Myths". It says that fainting does not happen during a panic attack. I have been fainting since I was 6 yrs old. A few months ago, I was hospitalised for 6 days as I was having seizures and continued to do so in hospital. I lost count of how many times it happened.
It would start with me fainting, then I would have what looks like an epileptic fit. During this period, sometimes, I would also have flashbacks of traumatic events, (mostly from childhood). It was like re-living the event. All the senses were at work. I could see, hear, smell, feel and taste everything as if I was right back there! These would last up to 50 minutes.
Often when I came too the nurses and Dr's would be upset, as during the seizures I would be crying out. I thought my hands and feet were tied and sometimes I thought I was locked in a cupboard. I would say "I promise to be good" and "I promise I won't tell" and "Please let me go".
I would come out of the seizures/flashbacks and I could recall every single minute detail, as if I was just there.
So, it says fainting doesn't happen, but it does for me!!! From a minor collapse from loss of consciousness (which could occur from hyperventilating) to extreme seizures and flashbacks.
Does anyone know about these Psychogenic Non Epileptic seizures (PNES)? or have any experience with them?
I have been told they are related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
I am very keen to learn more as it terrifies me, that I will have a seizure while out. Perhaps, this is why I find it so difficult to leave the house, even more so since the seizures happened. I rarely leave the house and it seems to be getting worse.
Any comments or help would be much appreciated. I do not know anyone else who has experienced these.
kindest regards,