People with an anxiety disorder or who have had one have a skill that is a skill even though you can't get a diploma for it. It is a skill just like carpentry or mechanics. It is the capability to make simple things worse in a big way. Not much different from art or mathematics. A function of the brain, just one we don't want.
So you can see where it can be hard to tell if any symptom is real or anxiety or a combination of both.
A person might start off a bit dizzy from a natural cause and if you have straight A's on your anxiety diploma like me, you can make it a whole lot worse than it is. But on the other hand you can make it less if it is anxiety because that too is another learned skill that we really should be issued diplomas for.
Some things can not be undone. Like breaking a leg, you can fix it but the fact remains for ever that you broke it and could do it again and will always know what it feels like to break a leg. Where as the person who has never can not know how it feels.
It seems to be a fact that people who have had an anxiety disorder visit their symptoms to see if they are still there or they develop new ones just like me feeling the pins in my leg or thinking that if I'm not careful I could break it again. The difference is that it is far easier to shrug off the broken leg thought because the broken leg lasted far less time than the anxious thoughts and is less established in the memory. All a person can do is keep on with the positive thoughts and try to ignore the symptoms unless they are obviously for a physical reason which dizziness could be. It certainly doesn't hurt to check that it isn't from a plugged sinus or an inner ear infection. Or too much coffee. Low blood sugar.
Low blood pressure. Coffee can be a double whammy in that it can make you dizzy and anxious enough to make it worse.
The nurses at the hospital have a standing joke about me. I don't dare say I'm dizzy because they say isn't that a natural state with me.