If I think about it I can develop quite a fear of driving in the city but once there I'm okay. I don't know why since I've never had a big problem in the city. I did have a small problem 40 years ago that may still be there.
Driving is improving. Still, I am nervous to go back to NY if I have to. I have gotten use to driving the car out here, I like it way more, and I love the streets out here. I don't go very far, but I am going a LOT farther than before and increasing daily.
I have friends out here supporting me, one who is getting a PHD in psychiatry. I have some friends here (part of why I moved out here) who said we would practice driving and I can drive around at certain times on certain days and if I get too shaky I can pull into the nearest area, call them, and they'll come wait it out with me or drive me home and we go back and get my car at another time or I should say my dad's car.
thank you, yes I need to be proud of the major accomplishments I've made. Someday I'll be able to zip around anywhere and enjoy it. I just hope it comes soon. Didn't drive for about 4 days so I must get back in the seat tomorrow.
First of all, congratulations on all the challenges you have already overcame. I know right now you don't feel there were successes butI certainly see ots of success. Remember changing thought patterns and getting through anxiety disorders is a process and every success is important and has meaning. Just because you are not where you want to be now doesn't mean you won't eventually get there. I think it is incredible that your driving anxiety is a little less now. You are going through a very stressful life transition and this can often trigger anxiety to worsen. But it's not, it's getting better little by little. That truely is amazing. I hope you can be present to your strength today - even just for a moment.
Phobias can be very tricky to get a handle on especially when driving. Some people require a professional to help them through the process or even a support buddy who knows a bit about phobias. Is this something you would find helpful? Would you be able to find a professional or support buddy now? It's also important that you find some social supports close to you. How would you go about finding social supports where you are now?
Alright some major changes here. I got myself to Arizona. Went to interviews with my dad driving with me. I am fine driving if someone else is in the car. I got a job. Ended up being let go the first day because I couldn't drive the 15 minutes (or about 7 miles) alone even though I tried 5 xs. Now, back home in the east I couldn't even drive around the corner and here I am doing better, but it's only a little bit more. A HUGE anxiety issue of mine is my parents living 6 ms in 1 part of the country and 6 ms in another part of the country, and they absolutely will not change regardless of the fact I have debilitating anxiety.
So, I think I will end up going back home as miserable as I was there, because later this year I'll be alone in this HUGE city with less people I know here than back home that can help me.
I keep hearing oh just pull over if you get a panic attack (which is why I take local roads only). Yeah, well, that clearly is said from someone who doesn't have panic attacks cuz what the heck am I to do if I get another attack that lasts 5 hours?! Stay on the side of the road for 5 hours?!?!