You mention leaving your job but not getting fired so your work must be satisfactory. It has been my experience that bosses always ask for more than they need in the hopes they will get it. And I was stupid enough to try to give it to them. I've never been fired so I must have been satisfactory. One of my bosses told my brother I was the best worker he had, but he never told me that. Are you doing what the job calls for to the best of your ability or are you trying to do more than you need to? You don't need yoga to teach you discipline, you already have it. You need more self esteem. You need to listen to your heart, not your head. Your head is full of ideas people have been putting there since you were a little boy. Are you happy with this work? Are you good enough for you? Right now you are what you are capable of. With experience you will get better and then you will be who you are then. Anxiety will not make you anymore than you are. And you are right these things that make you anxious are just little things so why are they bigger than they are. I'm sure you have an answer to that. Are you trying to be what you are not ready to be? Remember when you first came to the site. I think then you were trying to please others and I told you that you have to please yourself first. First you have to be satisfied with yourself before you can try harder. Being satisfied is like having a good foundation to build on. As for making mistakes, that only means you didn't have enough information, so what else could have happened.
So why do you think these small things cause anxiety even though you say they are too small to be considered? Only you know the answer to that but I can guess, but then I might be wrong. But I think not. Can you give me and you five reasons your anxious thoughts should not be considered and five reasons they should. Any discrepancy should tell you why you are having anxious thoughts. When you know what they are then you can change them.
There is a reason to anxiety.But the reasons are so small in my view and should not be considered.For example-while riding bike any call on mobile comes.I get anxious due to this.Boss in office discuss on any issue related to work-causes me anxiety.Any office work not completed in time causes me anxiety.Any hard question related to work in office-causes me anxiety.Fear of making mistake in work-causes me anxiety.
So there are numerous reason almost daily routine work caused me anxiety and depression.
So one decision I take leave my job nd sit at home for 4 months.I withdraw everything that causes me anxiety.
Still my anxiety does not get cured.
One of my biggest weakness is that I am not able to follow a strict time table of challanging & documentating my negative thought process.My doctor adviced me strict morning exercises & yoga which I am not able to follow.
Anxiety can be caused me many things. Caffine, sugar, lack of sleep, change in schedule are just a few examples of things that can cause anxiety. It can take time to figure out what is triggering your anxiety. This is why thought records are so important. Complete at least one thought record a day. Then look for patterns. It sounds like you already pin pointed a thought - the fear of anxiety. How have you been challenging this thought?
I see from your post that you say it is your nature. That is good because I feel it is what we do with the triggers that dictates how we deal with them. That is our nature and that is why we can deal with anxiety and panic without knowing where it comes from and with that the case then it doesn't matter if I'm right or the experts.
Fear of panic is common which is why relaxation and coping skills are important. How can you work on changing thought patterns if you are anxious and panicky. So first the relaxation and coping then when you are calm work on the changing thought patterns. No setting it aside because you feel good at the moment. When you feel good is the time to practice positive thought so it becomes second nature. Practice it so much that it crowds the negative. Drive your friends and family nuts with your positive attitude. It will become easier to do then when you are anxious. Good actors become the character with practice. Become the character, and make that character the positive you that you want to be. This will actually work, the trigger can stay if it has no affect because you won't let it.
Well this is where I differ with the experts, but then I probably have a lot more panic experience than most of them. I also haven't got their training. Thank God. Because I believe there is a reason for everything. So, so much for the theory that Gad just comes out of the blue. Well they could be right. And if they are then there is no hope. That sucks because if I'm right then there is hope. And since I'm fine now I just could be right. Now I say you can't think something without previous knowledge. Which means that if you are thinking something panicky you must have a basis for that thought in your memory and if it is in your memory you must have experienced it or saw it or heard about it at some time. So that leaves when as the unknown factor. You have been absorbing things into memory all your life, chances are pretty good that something there is the source of your anxiety. We will call it Davits theory.
If I am right then there is a reason for your anxiety, you just have to find out what it is. In the mean time do the coping skills and the relaxation skills because they will help if I'm wrong, but don't expect them to make it go away. If that is all you need to feel cured then that is good enough, but it wasn't for me. It still isn't. But it did help so I still recommend it. I think if you put in the time to find the source of your anxiety you can eliminate it. But this is just my theory. Five years ago I was an unbelievable mess. I'm not anymore nor will I ever be again.
This is just my theory and my thoughts and experience and just a comment.