I want to put this up so you can look at it since it is the best free course on mindfulness I have found. Panic girl sent it to me and it is very good.
It's been raining a bit here today. The trees are budding out now and spring is on it's way. I'm really looking forward to all the cheery colors of this year. Maybe I will get inspired by Spring and start a new quilt soon. I have been thinking about it a lot lately and dabbling online researching and looking for a new project. I have one in mind it's titled The Garden Charm Quilt. It's a bit challenging for sure and would keep me busy for months until Winter. I can even order the fabric kit online plus there is a online class included. I have been shut-in due to illness for several months now and am thinking that a new project may be just what I need to get out of this slump I find myself in. Plus I am sure it would be great for my mind. The say if you don't use it than you will loss it and I have noticed that I do seem to be loosing it a bit now and then. Yes my mind needs positive stimulation to function and stay strong. I think this may also help calm the mind because it is not dwelling on negative thoughts..These are just a few thoughts of mine as I go through these process of living my life....Till next time...Red...
Cardio, Davit, and Hugs... I couldn't agree with you more... I'm still working on my health issues and find that anxiety and stress contributes to these health issues and vice versa. It seems to be a bit of a double edged sword. I do feel I am making positive progress on both fronts even if it is slow going and the good news is I am finally taking a much needed rest. I hope all is well with all of you..Till next time..Red...
Davit & Red - you've been supportive in a bleak world. We'll miss you. It's hard to see the world accurately with the elephant in the room...I know you'll be checking in.
Davit, Congrats on your numbers and Happy New Year to you too. Thanks for letting us know that you are happy and doing fine just in case we don't hear from you. I have not been posting as much as I used to and started to distance myself a bit from the world of anxiety a few months back. So if you don't hear from me know I am happy and doing fine and my health is improving too. I will miss our talks though. Take care my friend...Red..