I am sorry you are feeling this way. I want you to know that normal really doesn't exist. Diversity is actually what makes our world healthy! That being said, anxiety disorders are actually the most common mental health issue out there. 13% (or more) people will be diagnosed with some form of anxiety disorder in their life time. I hope the stigma around mental health issues including anxiety disorders is decreasing. If someone views you as being a mental case it really just means that they are completely ignorant about the condition and it really means nothing about you as a person. You are very brave for facing this condition. You deserve to believe this.
Getting past what people think can be tough but in my opinion it is essential for everyone. How have you been trying to challenge this thinking? Have you been able to use any of the CBT tools here to help with this?
One in four people has some form of mental condition. One in ten has anxiety bad enough to be a problem. You are more normal than you think. Your brain works the same as everyone else's, but is using different memory and instruction. You are on medication to reduce the use of these memories and instructions. Cognitive restructuring can reduce or eliminate the need for medication. All CBT does is give your mind different instructions to work with and a reason to. Cognitive restructuring is a long slow process but it works. It takes your life from the time you were born and corrects misconceptions that rule your life. It gets rid of the wrong instructions and builds a new set of memories to live by.
You are in a large group of people who are just like you. More medication for anxiety is sold than for anything else.
I feel the worst when I go to the pyschitrist. I am not normal and need medication for panic disorder. I want to be normal and not be looked at by society as a mental case. I wish it would go away. When I think about this stuff I cry.