Still waiting to see the doctor, you know how that goes. I could probably go home but they decided to continue the IV.
Patience I do not have a lot of. It was noisy last night and noisy this morning and I'd love another cup of tea. Small hospital, no cafeteria I guess I'll just go serf netflix. Not much of interest there. I'm going to get a visual migraine, I can feel it starting. I quit taking morphine for the pain in my leg and the other aches and pains came back. Such is life.
Despite all this I still feel good. And want to go home as soon as I can.
Davit....just get better. Focus on that for now. These things can wait. I know you want to keep helping, but rest your brain so you can rest your body. And tell me if I can help in any way to get word to any friends you are worrying about. They will understand, I PROMISE!!