Exposure will cure you is a misconception. Exposure is a marker of how well your coping skills are working, the better they are the more exposure you can do, the more exposure you can do without panicking the closer you are to recovery. You may think exposure is the answer but the truth is every time you do exposure two things happen, anxiety and coping with the anxiety. So the better your coping skills the more anxiety you can handle and more exposure. Take the focus off exposure and put it on coping since exposure is going to happen anyway. Exposure to start will cause anxiety, no need to help anxiety. Better too try to leave those two in the background and focus on coping skills.
I'm sure this may have been asked before but I was going through the stages, prior to starting my homework for the week and it said about doing at least 3 hours exposure work per week. Now, even though I have yet to even do 5 minutes I had a question about this being enough?
If I were to try exposure every day, for example, as I work from home and I am agoraphobic via travel (I am ok walking short distances from home as as long as I am able to walk fast or run back home). Would this be too much at once and could cause a set back? Or should I just keep going and if I end up doing more than 3 hours or if I end up doing it at least once a day - is that ok?
As I've said I have yet to even start the homework but I just wanted to know if I did as much as I could and felt good about it could it still technically be too much at once.
(My main reason being my father is in hospital and would love to be able to travel and visit him).