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for 19 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
for 19 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sleepy, Thank you for sharing your story with us. You have come to the right place! Please feel free to roam the site at your own pace. If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find our Depression Test. This test is not a diagnostic tool and is not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. It may help assess the situation for everyone. We have an amzing online support group that can of great assistance to you. They are knowledgeable and supportive. If you have any question or concerns with our site or please contact Support Department at support@depressioncenter.net. We are open to any questions or concerns you may have. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Josie ___________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team.
for 19 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi,I am new and very sad,my depression seems to be getting worse not better in time and I am so tired and scared.I hate meds but take them and I don,t know if I am having side effects or pre menapose.I wish I could just sleep instead of living like this.HELP.
for 19 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Antipsychotics can cause tarditive dyskenisia, a sometimes permanent muscle problem. If you are shaking because of the Seroquel and that wasn't previously happening you shouuld probably mention that to your doctor. Effexor made me sweat a lot too. I remember waking up covered in sweat in the summer. I remember some ppl at a factory i worked at for a day joking with me and asking if I was hot because the sweat was pooring off my forehead. This wasn't something that happened with me before Effexor. I have now been on Wellbutrin for a month (I'll be stoping soon) and it makes me sweat a lot too. The antipersperant (degree) doesn't seem to do anything. That's unfortunate that the nurse you phoned didn't take you seriously. I've had the same problem before in the Emergency room. They didn't want to give me divalproex (I had lost my wallet and cudn't fill a script). Remember one person isn't representative of all people.
for 19 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First let me start by saying, everyone one responds to this medication differently. I have heard and seen a lot of positive response to this medication - my life, however, was a living nightmare. I am a 33 y.o. female. I was on this medication for 7 weeks, 187.5 mg, had 2 suicide attempts, lost 15 pounds (which took me to 95 lbs.). I had nightmares that were so vivid that I could not tell the difference between them and reality. I was sweating constantly; I woke up every morning and my bedclothes were soaked from sweat. I had small, fine tremors constantly in my hands and legs. My boyfriend stated I even shook in my sleep. I started to sleepwalk (which I have no history of). I experienced bouts of insomnia; and my suicidal ideation was 10x more frequent and intense. Finally, the last 5 days I was on Venlafaxin, I had auditory and visual hallucinations. At first, I could tell the difference between them and reality, but the last two or three days, I could not. I thought everything I was seeing and hearing was real. My boyfriend found me last Wednesday morning trying to call animal control to come get the 15 - 20 snakes out of my house. I had been in the hospital the first of February, and had called one of the nurses last Tuesday during one of my lucid moments. I explained that I felt like my medication was not working. Instead of asking me why, she explained to me how inappropriate it was for me to call because I had a problem with my medicines and for me to contact my family doctor. I overdosed on something - I really don't remember what - early Wed. and started seeing the snakes and hundreds and thousands of spiders. I am off Venlafaxin now. Last Thursday, in a different hospital (thank God), my doctor put me on Cymbalta 60 mg and Seroquel 25mg as needed. I'm having a little trouble with the Seroquel, but only because it make me so sleepy and makes me very shaky. Still some suicidal ideation, but there then gone. I did not cry yesterday, first time in a couple of months. I know I am not feeling better from the Cymbalta, it's too early. I'm feeling better because I am off the Venlafaxin. The scary thing, from what I understand, Cymbalta and Venlafaxin are in the same class of AD. Am I going to have the same side effects? Whatever I end up takin
for 19 år siden 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am on 300mg of venlafaxin and still have episodes of severe depression. I have started cognitive therapy and have been doing ok, although I find it a little frustrating. The depressive side of me was hoping I would feel better straight away, although the intellectual side of me knew that wouldn't be the case. As far as drinking is concerned, I too suffered serious effects. Just having one wine made my mood 10 times worse, so am not able to drink at all. I guess some people can handle things better than others. Unfortunately I am not in the same situation as you by going through withdrawal, but I hope things do get better for you soon.
for 19 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was on Venlafaxin for 2 years. 300mg for the majority of that time. I was also on other meds simultaneously for a lot of this time (1.5 yrs Divalproex,8 months Seroquel). At first I thought venlafaxine was helping my a bit. But I still had my suicidal panics and anxiety and various levels of depression most of the time but not all the time. So now I'm convinced that any effects i was having at first on Effexor were due to me finally getting a psychatrist looking after me. A few months ago I quit the Effexor and Divalproex (quit the seroquel a long time ago). I think it is kind of sad that all the mental health organizations say that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is at least as effective as anti depressants, yet hardly anyone gets set up or refered to a psychotherapist by their family doctor. Don't get too caught up in the "brain chemical imballance" theory. It is just a theory with no proof! Depression is terrible, suicidal ideation is terrible, anxiety is terrible, but don't limit your therapy to only drugs on the basis of some uproven theory.
for 19 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You should have noticed some improvement by now. These modern drugs take less time to act than the older ones and you are on a relatively high dose. Venlafaxine is not a straight forward SSRI it acts on other neurotransmitters as well. It is classed as a second order anti-depressant, that is it is usually prescribed under specialist instruction. It is often prescribed for so called treatment resistant depression which is a bit of a misnoma really because no depression is treatment resistant, its just a case of finding the right treatment. If you are still feeling depressed then go back to your doctor and tell them. Don't settle for a fob off either. You must not come off the venlafaxine quickly as there are withdrawel effects, both physical and psychological. I have been on 225mgs of this drug for some time now and my doctor is going to change my treatment in the new year. This is because I have gone as far as I can with venlafaxine. You should idealy be getting CBT (cognative behavioural therapy) combined with your drug treatment. It is a long haul but don't let the clinicians off the hook. Getting the right treatment is vitally important. Regards Iain
for 19 år siden 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone, I've never done this before, writing into a computer and hope that someone will respond. I've been on 250mg of Venlafaxin for four months now and I'm not really feeling any different from all the SSRI drugs I've tried over the past couple of years. The drug is new here in New Zealand so the Doctors don't really know how long things take and how fast the drug works. I'm just waiting for something to change to give me a sign that the medication is working. I don't know how long to wait before I say something to the Doctor. What should I be feeling?
for 19 år siden 0 21 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I've been on EffexorXL 75mg for about 2 years now and for me, it is the best medication by far of all I had been on. I had medication resistant depression and a "plain" SSRI just did not do it for me. I had also been on Paxil and Remeron, but the Paxil stopped working and the Remeron was really sedating for me--plus there were weight gain problems with both of them. The only very annoying side effect is the sweating, especially combined with menopausal hot flashes, but I think its worth it. The decision to start taking meds was very hard for me too--I guess its that way for a lot of people. I was a nurse, and nurses, like mothers, are not allowed to get sick--especially with something like depression, which is not visible and has no lab tests to help with treatment. I try to think of it as the brain's equivelent of diabetes. In diabetes, the pancreas either can't produce insulin or the body can't use it properly, in Depression, the brain chemicals get all whacked out and I can't think reasonably, I am sure I am incompetent at everything and a burden to everyone. My natural shyness turns into extreme reclusiveness, etc., in a continous, negative downward spiral. The thing is, with diabetes, they can check blood sugars, but there is no way but trial and error for depression meds, no fun when you are in the "error" end of the equation. In the United States, we have a very "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" way of thinking. We would not expect someone with a broken leg to walk before he got a walking cast on, but we think people with major depression should be able to function as if nothing is wrong. Even some therapists seem to have fallen into the "well if you would get your thoughts straight, you wouldn't need meds" end of things, which is very frightening to me--it makes me feel that there is no help available if I need it. I can't get my thoughts straight if my meds aren't working, talk therapy helps me keep them straight and deal with messes caused by untreated Depression, but the meds are necessary also.

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