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Generic Celexa (Citalopram)

for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Becky, I don't really feel I've "made it through" yet. Like you, I still have my shaky moments. The main difference is I appreciate just how far I've come. I was bordering on suicidal just a little over a week ago. To get through my day now, with just a few shaky moments, is like a gift! Also, I no longer think I'm losing my mind; I know what caused it all. I honestly feel it's just a matter of a little more time. If I could make it through those months of desperation, I can certainly make it through this. When you see your doctor later, remember what I said about Ativan. See what he/she thinks. It could be a lot of help as you go through this transition. Talk to you soon. Kate14
for 19 år siden 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Kate, Thank you for that message...it is helping me this morning. I felt fine last night in the evening and even this morning when I first woke up. I'm having a little sadness now, but I'm trying to push through it. I just need to keep reminding myself that I am getting better. There are times when I totally doubt it and other times when I'm like what the heck I feel totally fine. Right now I'm trying to work on, ACCEPTING these feelings for now. I am hard on myself and I except to feel great right away....very impatient, and its my perfectionism again I guess. I have an appointment with my psychologist tonight after work which I think will be good for me. I think he will actually see a tremendous change in me from last week, even though at times I fear that there isn't. But the rational part of me knows that it just isn't true....i'm doing MUCH better. But anways, that is enough about me. How are you?? You seem to be doing a lot better :) And I'm so proud of you and happy for you for making it through this because I know first hand...it is NOT easy. Well I will talk to you later because I need to get to work....nervous smile...:) Becky
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Becky, it's pretty late right now 12:45 AM. I doubt that you're still up because I know you have to work in the morning. I just wanted you to wake up to a smile in the morning (to help offset the morning jitters) So,........ :) :) ;) Remember - stop being so hard on yourself! You're not being indecisive, weak, or doing anything else wrong. A nasty drug reaction is doing your thinking & feeling for you right now. With each day that passes, it's losing it's power over you & will soon be all gone. Have a good one! ( an OK one?) LOL Kate14
for 19 år siden 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey all, Well its about 3:11 here. I am feeling better. I don't know why I always feel more stable in the afternoon and evening thesedays but I do. I did have a crying episode earlier. I don't even know why. Travis was with me and helped me through it. Although when I get like that support from anyone doesn't really help. I just didn't feel special. I felt like I had lost that little spark that I had in my life. The feeling that makes me love myself. That feeling that I can be fun and spontaneous. Its somewhat back now. This really has nothing to do with Travis or my family or friends...they all have been soooooo supportive of me and they treat me like I'm special. The feeling comes from a lack of love for myself...if that makes sense. But I do know that at times I do love myself...I'm just upset for letting this happen to me again. I thought I was so much stronger. I was always the one people came to for help and now I can't cope at times. It just feels like I am on an emotional rollarcoaster for real. Sometimes, I'm OK, sometimes I'm even happy, but other times I'm really really down. I just want to be stable....to feel the ups and downs but not the really really really downs......if that makes sense?? lol. Its like things that bother me and soon fade away are things that tear me apart sometimes now. For instance, the crying episode today got me down.....it makes me feel like i'm giving into it, going back, not being strong. Whereas, I could get emotional and cry over a tv show or something stupid before and be over it in an instant. I just want to be stable!!! Becky
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Becky, oops.... just saw a misprint in my message to you. I meant to say " if you were'nt manic before" (my typo reads "if you WERE manic before".Sorry about that - I really DO listen, honest! ;) Kate14
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Becky, I had a "shaky leg" episode too - when I went out the other day. As soon as I felt it coming on, I took an Ativan (which I carry with me at all times... don't leave home without it?...LOL) That usually works very quickly (1-2 mins.) I've carried Ativan with me for a few years, but rarely needed to take it. It seemed to be enough just knowing I had it with me. Hopefully, I'll get bk to that place, but for now, I've accepted that if I need it, I need it! It's a mimimal dose 0.5mg You could discuss it with your Dr. As for your most recent experience, maybe you're trying to do too much all at once.? If you can do ONE activity without undue stress, why not pat yourself on the back, and just relax. Don't expect too much of yourself - it'll be a while before all of that generic poison is out of your system.Remember you were taking 40mg. As for the mania issue, I wouldn't give too much thought to that just at the moment. You said you were manic before this experience, so it's unlikely that you developed overnight. It's MUCH more likely that it's all part of the drug. However, you could discuss this with your Dr when you have the Ativan discussion. TRY not to worry (easier said than done, I know) and give yourself more anxiety.Do a lot of deep breathing & remind yourself how much better you feel now than you did a week ago! More BIG HUGS, Kate14
for 19 år siden 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you! I have a lot of the same symptoms mentioned about the energy but it's very unfocused and anxious energy. I have my new prescription so as of today I'm switched back. I'm looking forward to getting rid of the weirdness!
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Furrykidsmom, I realize that you've probably not had enough time yet to get a new prescription, and as you've read, the results are not instantaneous. Just remember we're all here if you need support in the meantime; it's a rough ride - but do-able...... Kate14 :)
for 19 år siden 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Kate, Thank you for you response. It was very inspirational. It got me out of one of those little funks. I went to CVS today and got a card for my grandpa, he is recently getting over heart surgery. I felt a little weird and anxious there but I got through it. Then, i went and put in Travis, my fiance's, clothes in the laundry. (We live in an apartment and don't have our own washer and drier yet). Once again, I mean I wasn't scared to do this stuff BUT while I was doing it my legs were shaky and I was sweaty and I could feel anxiety kicking in. I don't know why it does that...this is stuff I didn't even think twice about doing before. Travis went to Walmart while I was doing it, I didn't feel quite up to going there yet, that's were I started having panic attacks this time. I'm trying not to get down on myself about it....but its hard. I came back here and started cleaning up...I didn't really want to do it, but did it anyways. Afterwards, I just felt really edgy and anxious...like i had all this energy but it was anxious energy. I also had and am still having a little dizzy spell. It seems like if I exert myself and actually do things, I get dizzy. I don't know if its the Celexa or if it is anxiety or a combination of both. Then, I have this bad habit about reading about every single little symptom I feel. For instance, I read stuff about mania and I start thinking that I'm turning manic when I am feeling ok.....why, I don't know...I never was before. But that has been my day so far. And an answer to you question, yes i definitely have a problem with perfectionism. When I was stablized on Celexa, this wasn't a problem....I was ok with myself, my failures, etc. Yea, i would get down if something happened that didn't go with how I wanted it but it wouldn't wreck my day like it does now. I don't know. I'm feeling better....just writing about some of this stuff, getting it out, having someone listen (or read) helps. I'm gonna go try and watch some tv or something...lol. Thanks again so much. Becky
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning Becky :), Here I am; I'm not going anywhere. This site is helping me too. As a matter of fact, I'm building up the nerve to start a new discussion. There's a childhood issue that my instincts tell me a few of us could benefit from talking about. Back to the subject at hand...I'm still doing a little better each day( not perfect, but acceptable). I've done a lot of thinking about the morning issue. My theories so far: ( :confuse: ) - we've been through such a bad time, that we wake up with the fear that the day ahead will be unbearable AGAIN. It takes a while for that fear to dispell. - in my own case, nightmares are an issue. I've thought maybe the morning is like a "hangover" from all the sh-t that's been running around in my mind all night. I understand now what you mean by "doubt". It's hard to know which one comes first - the doubt or the anxiety( sort of like the chicken & the egg quandry). One point I wanted to make, Becky is that your "instincts" didn't get you into this mess; a Pharmacy did. So stop doubting them. Concentrate on the times your instincts have been right. Could you maybe be a bit of a perfectionist? ( I could also identify with that!) The reason I say that is because of the instincts comment & also you mentioned that it bothers you that you have trouble sleeping in, as if it was within your control. Be glad that we're making progress, even slowly...... Talk to you soon, BIG HUG!!!! Kate14

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