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What are negative core beliefs?

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Ashley -> Health Educator

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In over my head?

for 15 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Rose, thanks for the advise!  I really appreciate your reminding me of our previous discussion.
My activities that lessen my stress - well, I used to........ Now, I try to exercise, meditate, do relaxation stuff (deep breathing, progressive relaxation, especially right before I go to bed), practice my spirituality, do tai chi, and play this stupid computer game where you watch this ball bounce around - I've been doing that for almost a month and it really isn't about the score, something about the ball bouncing around is so so so,  I can't find the word.  nonthinking, nonacting, unimportant, irrelevant?
Ah, I'm kind of obsessed with this website and I'm gonna need  about a year to identify all those negative core beliefs.  I find this very stress relieving, an outlet, calming.  I think any activity that can take my mind off of life is lessening my stress.
However, when I quit doing those things - ta da, it's still there! I guess that is why I have so many things I do.  you know work, though stressful in it's own way, takes my mind of the depression and anxiety that I feel in other areas of life.  So it is also?????? and klonopin is the other thing!


for 15 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi goofy,
no not a doctor - just a 50 year old jackie of all trades but master of none. i read alot and sure do remember that pain! i hope that's all it is, but, word to the wise, if you have an endoscopy (tube down your throat) make sure they knock you out but good and tie you down but good because when i woke up after procedure i was hurting big time! nurses wouldn't give me anything so i demanded to see doctor - he said it shouldn't hurt but gave me demorol (?). anyways, i think i must have woken up and struggled and they nicked me somewhere inside. best of luck to you 
for 15 år siden 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Goofy,   That's what we're here for. Expressing yourself is part of the healing process. You're right, we might not always have the answers for you but we are here to listen and share with you as well.   Find activities to help ease your stress. What have you tried in the past that has helped?     Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ah, the memory, we did discuss  this, thanks for reminding me.  I am having the same symptoms as before and they scheduled a cat scan for Friday.  I guess I'll know more after those results come in.  Oh, are you a doctor- cause you said the same thing she said!  Thanks again!
Taxes: I got spazzed out before I found out and let my imagination run wild and near panic over trying to juggle finances to pay $2000.  When my son found out, he made two phone calls and found out they had put it under the wrong name and property #.  End of story - all that spaz for nothing!
wdc and mom of 3, ya'll are right, I just need to hold off and let me chill, then address the situation.  I'll also consult with my therapist tomorrow!  Thanks so much for the support and feedback.
for 15 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey goofy,
we talked about gallbladders and stones before  - it could very likely be stone/s blocking your pancreatic duct which causes inflammation and infection. are you in any pain similiar to before? they'll do an endoscopy and either find and crush stone or make an incision in duct so it falls out naturally. hope that's it and you'll be up and running soon!
for 15 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I like Johnny Cash, I've never heard that before - It's a keeper!  I think you are right about holding off with the boss.  I see my therapist on Thursday (who also works there) and he has for many years so he can also advise me on the issue.  I am obviously thinking a bit more clearly this a.m.
The things that fell in my lap were not intended to fall in my lap, it was because the boss (both) weren't there and people think I'm next in line (ha!)!  I am going to discuss with the boss, to let people know the hierarchy for communication when they are not there!I am sure he won't find this objectionable and if he's recognized it as the problem; addressed it already!
I am taking the antibiotics this a.m. and for 5 days.  Then follow up.  It was a phone consult and I've specific instructions and what will follow if this doesn't help, I reschedule an appointment.  I did some internet research last night and talked to my brother who has had two bouts of acute pancreatitis.
 I will call my son about my taxes - what an awesome idea.  I was so stressed about it all last night it never occurred to me.  Geez, and he would be the one to pay it anyway.  Let him worry about this one.  One less for me (is that selfish?).

for 15 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Goofy,
Sorry to hear that work has been stressful.  I'm sure the things that fell in your lap were things that you appeared to be capable of handling. From what you write here I can see that people would expect that you can handle what is thrown at you.  (Probably how your depression got to this point to begin with)  I'm glad that your boss has your back and stepped in to alleviate the issues.  That's something right there.  I am expected to pick up whatever and run with it, everyone is SURE I can handle it - everyone but me.  Hopefully you will get back to where work is more therapy than stress, from what you've written previously it sounds like a good place for you overall.
As far as your pancreas, get your antibiotics ASAP and take them. Call your doctor back and ask for a detailed explaination of your condition.  Ask why, how, what, and expect an explaination.  Obviously it wasn't explained to your satisfaction and it needs to be.  The answers for your specific questions should come from your doctor and be understandable to you. 
Call your son about your tax assessment.  Have him, as your POA, challenge the assessment in light of your situation, the fact that property values are dropping, and on the basis that there are no improvements made between last year and this year.  Assessments are challengable.  It could be that your area increased the rate and that might be an issue,  but if the assessment is higher, then you can challenge that.  Hope you can get it worked out, sounds unfair.
for 15 år siden 0 23 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
oy vey I am stressed just hearing about it! Sounds like a LOT. If I were you I would not say anything about the stress level to your boss until later. When you get through it you may have a different perspective. Timing as they say, can be everything. Not for nothing but you clearly have good instincts. If you can pretend you are giving advice to someone else, perhaps it will help you.
So sorry about your medical issues... like adding insult to injury.
And the taxes, well, Johnny Cash says
"You can dream about vacation in the sun
You can dream but you can't never have you one
Cause by the time your good old Uncle Sam gets done
You've got just enough for gas to see them city limits pass
And if you get back home fourth class I'd say you won"
What's up with THAT?
If you are leaving for work or at work now, hope you have/are having a better day than you expected~

for 15 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This week at work sucks!  I have been so stressed, yesterday and today.  I take my benzo's with me and I've been tempted - if tomorrow is like today - I'll have to.  argh, I don't want to have to start taking those everyday again!  I've only been taking them prn and to offset the side effects of lamictal (horrid dreams and interrupted sleep cycles). 
I wonder if this job is not too much for me at this point.  Things have happened and my boss has apologized that they fell in my lap and has taken the issues and resolved them, but it doesn't lessen the stress from the stuff. I am dreading tomorrow it is always the most stressful day of the week for me!  Usually I'm prepared for it.  I'm not prepared for it at all.  I don't know that I have enough time to prepare for it.  I want to say something to my boss about the stress level, but I don't want to not do my job, I like it, it makes me feel useful, I think I am making a difference, it's therapeutic in some ways and obviously very detrimental right now!  It's not gotten to me like this before!  Thursday I see my therapist - thank goodness!  Today, I complain to you, express my concerns and hopeful feel some benefit from this (thanks for listening)!
The Dr. called today with lab results from my appt. Friday and said my pancreas is infected (whatever that means) and wants me on antibiotics.  If that doesn't help, I'll need at CAT scan - argh, I just had my gall bladder out to remedy this problem which has returned and now they say it's my pancreas - was it my pancreas to start with? 
I got my tax bill in the mail today and it is $2000.00 more than last year - what's up with that!  I know you don't know, but I sure as hell don't know either!  I have the money set aside for the amount of last years bill, but not that much!  My house is very modest ranch style medium income type house - nothing fancy!  The issue with mortgages in this country implies that land has gone down in value, not UP! 
Okay I'm whining.  thanks again

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