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Starting over again

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ralph, I think it is difficult to find a therapist that as Wildcat indicated is up to par with those of us intelligent enough to thoroughly learn about our disease and also to realize that we are ultimately responsible for what occurs in our treatment.  The first point I'd like to make regarding therapist is one size doesn't fit all and it's like any other doctor (to me anyway), I have to be able to relate to them, them listen and give feedback that helps me, I think I should have a say in what I do medically and should have the information to make choices.  The other thing I realized after some time was that I was sabotaging my own treatment because I knew and had studied like you. I'd give the "right" answers and not what was really going on....something for you to think about.  I told this therapist up front that I do that (very difficult confession of sorts) and he calls me on it.  I need that. 
As for medication, I think you've accepted that it may be something you need forever.  I know we all fight this battle at one point in our lives.  I remember I got "well" once and didn't need my medication....my psychiatrist objected, but I insisted and ultimately crashed and burned(called him and scheduled an appointment).
The job thingy, I am working well below my former salary as a counselor in the second to lowest position that there is at the facility I work at.  They have offered me a position as a counselor but I know I am not ready for that.  I started out working just two days a week and after almost a year moved to full-time - slowly moved to full time.  I then had an opportunity to move up so I took it.  Yes, it is a kick in the pants, but it was that or sit at home and feel sorry for self.  I know one day I may be able to move up front and that opportunity will be there as a counselor, but one step at a time.  This depression thing is new to me - dx in 2004. 
It helped me to know that I was not alone in the issues that I faced.  One thing I've learned from being on this website is that many people have had the same experience with therapist, work and getting "well".  The hardest thing I had to do is to accept me as the person I am today, not look back and not project into the future.  This is very difficult, so I take it one day at a time.  I maintain a healthy fear that I will not return to where I was when this all started.  
The religion thing - well, I am a spiritual person and I figure God has a plan for me too.  I don't know what it is, but it obviously includes the trials and tribulations of being depressed, so I accept that.  I think one day I will know why, but in my spiritual beliefs, it is His will, in His time and not mine (that's a hard one and a day to day thing too).   I do know I have to do my part.
Hope this gives you food for thought, feel that you are not alone and encouragement in obtaining work.  Going back to work was one of the best decisions I made even if it was below my education/experience level.  I am working and I have goals. Some days it is just to get up and go to work.  I know you know what I mean.  I could not work at my former counseling position with my current level of  functioning.  Hope- it doesn't mean I won't one day!
Hang in there Ralph

for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi ralph.
I took something to force myself to sleep last night and am better today.  Also the run to get things done at my son's pace also helped!
I am happy that you took my questioning well ... I am a young person but with a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with the pain of this illness.  And the desire to just quit has been around in my life.  I do not know is it is a lack of courage for I fear the retribution I might face for not completing the taskes this time .  I fear having to come back and starting all over with a punishment included! The is also the fear of not being successful in my attempt and being maimed in the process.  the having to survive in a state that is worst than the one i must endure now...
Also when I was in Cegep I had read somewhere that "suicide is a person confusing a mortal enemy for a close friend."  And in my periods of depression my memory is often questionable so this quote is striking.  Sometimes it is a type of mantra to keep me focused in the morning ... which is better than the alternative  "s**t I am still alive.  why can't my one prayer be answered? "
Ah I see what you mean with the therapists ... it is nasty to say but you were coming in like a 100W light bulg and they were a little 2W LED.  just eclipsed!  I am lucky, the woman I am seeing now is really quick and is able to keep up with me.  She gives me the text book info I want in the coles notes format that I understand perfectly well (since I went through the texts before hand as well) and she is able to then take the info and apply it in my terms to my life.  Then round out the 45 minutes with an exercise for the month.  Louise probably graduated in the top 10% of her class or has a lot of experience!!!
I guess I am really curious about you because a lot of your story resembles mine - before I was diagnosed this year with Bipolar disorder.  I would be horribly depressed for a while. The pop out of it I thought it was with help of the medical people I was seeing at the time. I had times of amazing progressing and productivity bu it would not ever last!!! and I would eventually Crash and burn !  and become depressed.  I thought it was because I was self sabotaging due to my difficult past.  I relied on self medication; alcohol to get through stress. 
But mainly I thought that others would easlily mourn my passing and get on with their lives.  I was nothing but a passing moment, a casual friend.  And my husband's pain at the thought of losing me woke up something in me.  I am his world.  I might think what I want about myself but he is a big boy and has his own mind made up.  His feelings are real and they are deep.  He has invested his entire future in our relationship and has no eggs in any other basket!  Now, my children depend on me to fulfill their needs.  They expect me to be here for them.  I am not a safe harbour for the night only. 
for 15 år siden 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hang in there Ralph, you'll figure it out
We're always here for you,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Thank you all for your posts. It is comforting to know I have a group to communicate with, and no Wildcat, I don't have a problem with answering your questions. While I have never been good about vocalizing about things, writing has a way crystalizing things in my mind. As for medication, my attitude has changed quite a bit. In the begining it was a necessary evil. Something to take to make me well and to get off once I was well. After my second major episode it was something I should not need once I got well( a relative term). After this last episode, I view it as something necessary to keep me alive, just as a heart patient needs medication to fight the discease, even when they are feeling good, because they never know when another attack may come or what exactly is going onside their bodies. Like I said the last episode really scared me because i came so close to actually completing the act. As for my view of therapy, it seemed liked  my therapsits were very passive. In both previous cases I was highly motivated to get better. While they made suggestions, it always seemed like I was out ahead of them. I did alot of reading , at the library and on the internet, on depression, physical and mental causes, treaments, etc. I had my own recovery plan in place after the first visit and they were never able to keep up. That is why I said, they just seemed to say" Good job, keep it up". I don't know if this would have changed if I would have stayed with it for alonger period of time. In the first instance, I was told I was CURED! In the second, I was told i was ready for the world again and then after being terminated by my employer at the time, it was financially unviable to continue, and like I said I didn't think I was getting anything out of it. As to now, I just don't know, this just seems to ad to my confusion as to what way to turn. As to STRESS, one of my problems is that I have extremely high expectations of myself. I have the skill to be successful in a variety of situations, I figure out what it takes, focus on those aspects and it works, however each success instead of validating my efforts, just seems to raise the bar higher and higher, until it gets so high it seems to be impossible to reach and I end up wanting to just give up. When I was younger, I fought thru it, because I had kids, responsibilites, etc. Now that my kids are grown, it is harder and harder to continue. I am the point now where I would like a very simple job, but feel guilty, because I know I am capable of so much more.As to suicide, at the time, and this is what really scares me, it seemed like a very logical and loving choice. My future prospects seemed non exisitent, my ability to take care of my wife in the future seemed to be limited to nonexisitent. I knew I needed help, but did not know how to go about getting it or how i would be able to afford it. Plus I had already made 2 previous attempts which had ended in faliure. the way I looked at it, we were in an area where my wife was surrounded by family who would comfort her and she would get over me eventually and my life of failure would be over. Luckily, like I said, her phone calls let me know how convoluted my thinking was and I came home to get help. What is the source of my pain, I could you could say fear of failure. How do I get past that? That is what I am trying to figure out. I have  tried to become a faithful Christian during all of this and they say God has a plan for everything, but I have a hard time figuring out where the plan is in what is happening to me!  
for 15 år siden 0 406 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the Depression Center and thanks for sharing your story.  I'm sure alot of people are reading your post and finding solace in knowing that they too are not alone in this. 
You mentioned having difficulty with your finances and in finding affordable treatment/therapy options.  As Josie mentioned, there are many clinics that offer low to no cost treatment.  You may also want to seek the assistance of a social worker who can help you attain access to these places.  Are there any social assistance programs in your state or area of residence that can help with your financial situation? 
Let us know how you are doing.  We look forward to hearing from you again!

Karen, Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi ralph,
welcome to the gang !  can I become nosey right away or do you need time to get use to the different voices?
You have so many different ideas and things I want to explore to better under stand you! from your first post!! There are a a bunch of issues you bring up and do not really explain and I have a million questions and and and...
 ...  sorry  ...
i'm the resident bipolar and with the holiday stress setting in I am strarting to become hypomanic. so my posts ramble a bit!!! 
But they are a part of my Voice and a part of my way to express myself so I leave them in the gang has gotten used to me and just ignors the worst ones - right   
*Was your theraphy ment to get you back yo work rapido-presto or to work through the issues that drove to consider giving up?
*When you were told you were doing well was it because you were expressing something or revealing yourself? Or you you answering to what you perceived was the question in the air?  one of Sheba's?? posts is about lying to the therapist and telling them what they want to hear to be given positive feed-back; positive vibe in a really bad time. 
*Stress is a big problem for many of us, and you mentioned anger also played a role in your past.  Do both interact at the same moments? Is anger management a difficult point for you, especially with a <family>?
*Why suicide?  Not the obvious to end it all and be done with it ...  more what is the factors that have driven to to the end of the black hole of the tthe universe?  What is the source of this all consuming pain (or frustration?) that has pushed to to the brink of an irreversable decision?
*what do you see your medication is? a crutch holding a hadicapped upright? a temporary solution for a temporary problem? a cure for an infection? a justification / excuse to all those things they say about....?  I want to know what you know about your illness and its manifestation in you. I want to know what myths you have bought into and what stigmas touch your life.
Nosey are I not today?
also I am bored with life ... one more symptome of the hypomanic side....
for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ralph, welcome aboard, I've been out of sync for a while but wanted to welcome you.
I also know the frustration of not being able to perform work at a level to which you are accustomed (others here can relate to that as well).  I hope your doctor helps you find a resource to pay for your medication, gives you samples or refers you to someone who can.  I don't know where you live, but someone else maybe from that country and know about resources available to you. 
I am sure you are thankful for your wife and her intervention.  Most places have suicide hot lines, make sure you have the number for one.  And when you start - start thinking about it, call them.  
Glad you came here and I hope you find the outlet to speak your mind about whatever you need to say as comforting and encouraging as I do.  I also work the program, taking my time and being thorough.  Of course there are ways to ask questions in this format that will help you if you have difficulty doing some of it or questions about it, as I have had.
Welcome and I look forward to hearing from you.

for 15 år siden 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are never alone here. There are many people who have or who are going through the exact same thing as you.
Hang in there  We're always here for you!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you all. it feels good to hear from others who understand. Feel very isolated sometimes, because unless you have been thru this you really can't understand it. Just wish it didn't take so long for the meds to kick in. 

for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Ralph,
Thank you for sharing your story with us and welcome to the forums!

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