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for 15 år siden 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey y'all
Thanks, you've been a great help.
The conference through work is now over and I am taking today and tomorrow off work- no point in going in for 2 days.
When I posted lat time, it was obviously after a few drinks, but all of it I meant. I feel really fortunate that my work trusts me enough to represent the Township that I work for at this conference. I met a lot of good people, almost all of them older than me, but there was a few my age there. I had fun with the 40,50, 60 year olds as well as the 20 somethings like myself. I remember a post by someone else on here, just have fun and enjoy people for them being people, men and women, at every age and I think everyone thought of me as a fun guy at the conference.
I went to the University of Waterloo (in Waterloo, of course), which is where the conference was at and afterwards, I went for a trip of the campus- took my bike off the car and it felt like I was back in school. I rode up to my old residences and rode up to the door of the townhouse on campus that I stayed at and then rode back to the rest of the campus, it felt like I was Matt again riding his bike like a hellion to class like I allways did, just like old times. I know I am making a bigger deal out of it than it is, but a big regret of mine is that I didn't fully live the university lifestyle when I was there for my four short years. I did my studies and that, but didn' t go to many of the parties and didn't form many friendships because I was always working out, as I used to be a competive cyclist. Going to a party and staying up late one night feeling pretty tired and maybe hung over to start the next day's workout and of course you have to fit the studies in there somewhere. So, going back to the campus felt a little bittersweet for me. On one hand I felt like I wanted to go back there to do somethings over again, but on the other hand I felt proud to be an alumni of that place and that I got through it. Ialso met up with some friends that I went to school with and who still live down there. Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses I guess.
With this last gal that I went out with. What made me feel like I was "over-selling" myself was a lot of times I feel nervous when I meet someone I feel I might like and so I over-compensate for it, or ty to hide it by talking about myself too much. I am also known to say some stupid things at the wrong time too. So, I end up looking like an arrogant, self-absorbed and immature person. I go home feeling that way, so I make up for it by calling her the next day to set up date #2, and if it doesn' t work, I call her the next day and the day after that. It takes me a while to get the clue. I know all this may sound stupid, but that's the best way I can sum it up. I just feel that in today's dating world, people just don' t give each other enough of a chance and if you're not perfect in that first meeting, then you don' t make the cut. I need more of a chnce than that. 3 strikes and you're out, but with me, I only get one. with any girl I go out with, I think it's fair to give her the full count. 
Anyway, with the next one I meet, I know what to do. you're right, increasing my self-confidence is what I need to work on, but also reducing my anxiety. It's not just with dating, but in all other areas of life for me. Even when I was racing, confidence was my biggest limiter, which is why I always finished 2nd,3rd, or 4th, but never 1st.
Sorry about the long post.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey matman!

Good for you for going out and meeting new people and girls :) I am glad you are enjoying the conference. 

How are you today?
for 15 år siden 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You certainly sound like you are "enjoying" the conference.........let's hope it's not all the alcohol speaking!
It seems to me that working on increasing your self-confidence will make a big difference in many aspects of your life. You have many wonderful attributes - and you need to believe that you have them and believe in yourself!
With respect to dating, what would you have done differently with the last lady that you dated? What makes you believe that you were "overselling" yourself?
Don't forget to work through the program as this will also help you with strategies for dealing with the anxiety.
Good luck,
Faryal, Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi everybody!,
the reason I have been able to reply to you i that I' ve beren busy for the past little while. Wildcat , your inspirationtions continue to be helpful to me and I appreciate that! I took the anlogy about the bag of milk and going to a diffferent store to heart and it made a lot of sense. I am trying to go to the different stores, by joing up with the soccer league and I've sort opf meet this new girl on this online dating site that I've been trying out for a while and she sounds really nice.
I am actaually at a conference in Waterloo, Ont. for work, but I am having a great time and meeting a lot of people. It's my 1st yr at the conference and it'sgreat, although I feel a litttle bit out of my league because I am probab;y the youngest guy here, I've met a lot of older people that have given me insigght into me job and that I might come into contact later on. I am a little bit tipsy as I write this message because we had an Oktoberfest theme night and then some cocktails after that. I feel like I am the life of the party, as the young guy, who isn't afraid to make fun of himself. whether nor not that's a good thing, I am riding on that right now and I am riding on the drunken buzz I have rught now and it feels pretty good!! Actually, I went to school in Waterloo, so this conferenct is sort of like a homecoming to me and I met one of my old profs, as a speaker at one of the seminars I was at. He's a respectable guy in the profession. He recognized me and I told him where I work now- he said he was proud of me and happy for me- I am almost crying right now, probably becuase of the alchohal I just drank added to it adds to the emotions because I do get eomotional when I drunk sometimes, but in the end I feel proud right now.
Since I posted on here, I met a girl, and we seemed to hit it off, prior to meetting, but I was nervous when we did meet so I talked too much and then called her too much afterwards, so I blew it. She was really hot, and she liked the same things I did, so hence the added nervousnes.
AS for next week when I get home from this  conference, I have another date lined up. I ma not going into it with the expectations I had the other time and so I won't try to "oversell myself". Hopefully it works out good. As for the soccer, our first game starts on June 16th, so hopefully I'll meet some people from there.
All you guys have been a great help!! I feel great right now, actually the greatest I;ve felt in a few years , but that might be the booze talking. haha.
Thanks for everyhting- ttyl. Matt.  
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi matman...
I think the idea of not going out to look for it, is like...
lets use the milk.
You go to the store for milk. They do not have any. Do you run out to the countryside and bring home a cow and all the farm equipment???  No, of course not. The cashier tells you that the next delivery is sometime (a vague sometime) tomorrow.  Okay, you pick up the milk on the way home from work the next day... and have black coffee in the morning.
So you have shopped your particular store and have not found the girl who shares your interests in your age range... Now you are looking into new stores and will have to see who else shops there... and when... So enjoy the new activity. i hope you make a gagle of new friends... and do not get hurt as a firefighter!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Matman,

First, you are welcome!

Second, I suffer from anxiety disorders and am definitely and over-analyzer. But the Panic Center Program helped me with that a lot. By actually analyzing my thought and challenging them I managed to get them under control. The program on here should help too. I am only on session 5 of this one. So I suggest you look at the program.

Third, I read a book called "The Power of Now" from Eckhart Tolle. It talks about being in the moment. It changed my life. I recommend it!

Anyway, hope you have a great day!
for 15 år siden 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Matman,
You have taken the initiative to reach out and involve yourself with certain social outlets which is very admirable - congrats on making these steps!
Joining the soccer league and local fire department are excellent ideas. Have fun and enjoy the interactions you will have with others.
It is important to learn to be comfortable with yourself so that you can have enjoyable friendships and relationships. It is equally important to be able to live in the moment as well. Although it is your nature to "overthink" and "over-analyze", try to live in the present without worrying too much about the future. This takes practice Matman.
One good and effective exercise is deep breathing. As you are doing this, try to focus your thoughts on a single image or phrase. Not only will this help with your anxiety but it will also help you to be in the moment with yourself.
Faryal, Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Diva,
thanks for chcking in with me. I appreciate it and it goes a long way sometimes.
As for KC, thank you for replying also. You mentioned online dating, but funny that's part of my problem. I am a person who can talk about anything once the conversation gets going and I get past that awkward phase. so, I went the route of online dating, through this site called plentyoffish. It's probably the best site there is, as far as dating sites go, and it's free. There seems to be more girls on there from my area, or any other area near me compared to the "pay sites". I've tried this way now for quite a long time because I am not one for going up to ladies in person.Anyway, I've had one failed experience after another and relationships just never seem to get off the ground for me. I am told that I am  great catch a few times, I am open, honest, do all the right "gentlemen" stuff, but as soon as I take off, I crash and burn. I just found that people (men and women), are often not who they claim to be on that site, or they go at it with false intentions.
I had a date with a lady a few years older than me on Friday night (I am 25, she' s 32). It went alright, we had super, talked abit, but nothing too heavy. We went back to her place to watch some movies and it seemed to go okay at the time. But, looking back on it, I was nervous (which she even told me I was) and she told me that I was trying too hard. I want to re-do Friday. I called this girl back and she won' t return my call- arggg. I've practically milled out the pond in my area with the online thing, so I need to change my tactic.
I signed up for the rec soccer league where I live and I have a few friends in there (who convinced me to join), so that'll be a new way to meet people.
People allways tell me not to "look" for "it" (i.e. a relationship and maybe it will be with the right one) because if you do, then "it" will never come, or you'll always end up dissapointed. but, itsn't that like giving up? you can't sit around and not look, you can' t sit around WAITING for something to happen- you have to go out and get it. That's what I've always thought anyway. I realize it' s not the same as buying a bag of milk, but if you don' t go to the store, the milk just isn't going to come (bad analogy). So, it's a catch-22, you go looking for it, you end up being disapointed from all the bad experiences, but if you don't look, then you'll never find her.
I've also joined the fire department in the Township that I work for and live in. I thought of it as being a good way to meet people on the fire department and I can work towards a goal- putting out the fire, that will get my adrenaline going. I am sort of seen and treated like an outsider with the sation that I am at because I don' t fit in with the "alpha male" of the group and his buddies. I'll just probably quit after a few months of this and at least our fire chief can' t say I didn' t give it a try. I used to race mountain bikes up until last year, but I decided to give myself a break from it this year. But, I plan to get back at it next year, and maybe I'll do one of the triathalons that we have here in Muskoka. 
Sorry about my long post, but my problem I guess comes down to anxiety. I have anxiety about everything, job, relationship (or lack there of), just life in general. The more anxiety I have, the more I overthink it and the more I overthink it, the more restless and lonely I feel and the more I feel like I want to crawl
for 15 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hello matman,

I guess, we have very similar problems. In much of what you wrote about yourself, I can just see myself (having negative dating experience, being not able to start a conversation first, feeling very lonely, away from home and so on)

I don't know if it suits you, but I actually spent several days doing Facebook. If you have an account there and if you have any people in you Facebook friends, then when somebody is online, why don't you just write "Hi!" to this person. It's even OK not to write anything more, just a "Hi". There are many ways of communicating with people through the Internet, and it's usuall easier, than in the real world.
Also, you can visit some dating web sites. If you write to 5 girls there at once, there is a chance that one is going to answer. Don't write just "Hi", write at least something like "Hi. My name is... I am from ... I liked you profile very much. Write to me back, and I can tell you more about myself". Or you can think about something more creative.
Also I used Skype to call people, with whom I havent spoken for a long time, when they were online.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey matman,

Wanted to stop in and say hi and ask how you are doing today?

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