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for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Diva,
I am feeling OK today, just a little obsessive about finding old friends online but this will pass soon, if I get a big pile of work.
My hubby calls Mario my second boyfriend.  I say I am going to my room to play with my other boyfriend and hubby chuckles.  Mario isn't as satisfying but at least he doesn't argue and when he dies just reset the game and he's back and he never gets mad if you haven't played with him for quite awhile.  Ultimate boyfriend, he is clean, quiet, never argues, never complains, doesn't fart in bed, you can put him away when you are done with him and he will be there for you when you take him out again.
Ok Just a bit silly now, but what the heck it's Friday.......
Have a great weekend All.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I like Mario too : ). I remember playing the original Mario with my best friend when I was a tad younger . She was so much better at it then me hahaha!

I must admit I do love the mario kart racing though. Me and the hubby play it all the time. It is fun and silly.

And I love silly too. Mario is a great game : )

Oh and Mario Party is fun! I played only a few times but had a blast. I laughed so hard! I am glad you and your family get to play together!

As for all your older games functioning still I am impressed. Mine broke...

Anyway, I hope you are feeling a bit better. How are you today ?
for 15 år siden 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Glad to hear that you find it helpful to vent here. That's what we're here for!
You mentioned in your post that you feel like you just want to run and hide till this passes. Would it possible for you to take some time for yourself, perhaps this upcoming weekend? It does not have to be anything extravagant but perhaps getting away for yourself would be beneficial? It would allow you some time to reflect and see what you can do to improve your own situation.
It also is seems like you very much enjoy the time with your family, playing video games. You can even tell just from your typing how happy it makes you! Perhaps reaching out to them during these times and getting together as a family would be something positive for you? This will hopefully relieve some of the stress you are experiencing.
Stay close to the boards and let us know how the weekend goes for you.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My love for Mario stems back to the original Nintendo up to the Gamecube.  I own just about every system except the WII (haven't seen a mario game that I like yet) and the Gameboy (my son has a DS and my daughter has a micro).  I play all Mario/Luigi games except, sports, racing and anything with too much competition in it.  Right now I am addicted to Paper Mario and the 1000 year door, Hubby and kids and I have been playing the Mario Party Games which are hilarious.  And yes all my machines work and controllers work.  I go to used game stores and flea markets to buy all my games because you can't find them anywhere else.  Occassionally we will find games at garage sales but not many and I want a guarantee that it works.
When I play a Mario game I just want to go up to him and give his big moustache a yank.  I love silly.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Furgitit,

You are welcome. Wow do I ever understand needing a place to vent the craziness. 
I am sorry to hear you are still itchy and down and tired. 
As for gaining weight I totally get it! I am in the same situation. 
As for feeling like blowing the world a raspberry and running and hiding, I empathize totally. Btw, which Mario do you play?

Anyway, hang in there hun! 
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Diva and Faryal,
I know that no-one can give me the answers and you are there to listen (thankfully someone is).  I started this venting post to help me get it out and it has done pretty good for me so far to read what others think about my craziness (yes, craziness, it is lighter than depression and darker than sanity it is a word I am comfortable with).
I am sitting here at my desk after sleeping in and getting here late.  One of my co-workers asked me what happens when I sleep in, I told her I either sleep through the alarm or the cat unplugs it, which does happen.  I am just so down and can't seem to get up.  I am still tired and itchy and now my scalp is flaking so bad it's like winter here.  I've tried Nizoral and Psoriasin (which helps the itch in my ears but not on my head).  The hives are gone but I feel like creepy crawlies are crawling on me and making me itch.
I have put on a ton of weight and have resorted to my skirts with elastic waists and dressess with no waists, pretty clothes yes, but they don't lift my spirits like they used to.  No makeup, because what if I start crying, then everything runs and that looks terrible, can't cover the red blotches on my face because that makes it worse, can't cover the rash on my lips because that makes it worse, can't hide under the covers because the kids need to eat.  My hubby notices my excess weight and makes comments (not mean ones, just ones of concern) and I want to cry.  This looks really good at the bariatric clinic hubby's weight is going down, which is what it is supposed to do, wife's weight is going up, yet they live in the same house, not that they weigh me or anything but those thoughts go through my head, I know they couldn't care less about me unless I were their patient.
I just feel like sticking out my tongue and blowing the world a raspberry and running and hiding (maybe play my mario for a while) till this passes.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Furgitit,

I can really see how sad and confused you are feeling in your words. Hang in there hun . As for reminiscing and wondering what if, I think it is human nature, especially on days where we are not feeling content with our lives, ourselves and maybe even our choices. 
I think considering the allergic reaction and everything else, it is great that you managed to get to work the last two days at all!
I get days like that too where my day should be going well but I am just in a really bad funk. I keep wondering why...So I think I get what you mean by  "Feeling blue, even though the sun is shining, my work pile is low and I have a full tank of gas and money in my pocket.  Sometimes this happens and I don't know why. "  I wish I had something great and wise and comforting to say to you but all I have is: " I am here to listen (or in this case read, I guess). 
Hang in there and let us know how you are!
for 15 år siden 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Furgittit,
It is very common and natural to think about how different our lives would be if we had made different choices, or lived elsewhere, or married someone else, or...............
It is also human nature to desire what we cannot have for whatever reason. Sometimes this is a consequence of fate - if you are someone who believes in that. Sometimes, it is a consequence of certain actions. Personally, it has become evident to me that we are where we are because we have a purpose along that path. Does that make sense to you?
It is perfectly ok to reminisce about past experiences that brought us joy and happiness. But you can also be the master of your own happiness. If there were one or two things you could change about your current life that would make you feel less sad, what would those be?
Faryal, Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just sitting here trying to concentrate.  Feeling blue, even though the sun is shining, my work pile is low and I have a full tank of gas and money in my pocket.  Sometimes this happens and I don't know why.  I just start thinking, I am sad, why am I sad?  What could I do or have done that would not have permitted me to be sad right now?  What did I do to deserve everything that makes me sad?  If I could have done things differently, why didn't I?  I feel like crying, I feel like hiding, I feel like running away and starting a new life where no-one knows me and I can do things right this time.  I wish I could turn back the clock to see if things would have been different if I would have made other choices.
I find myself lately thinking about a previous boyfriend ("B" (love lost or in my case given up because the whole kit and caboodle scared the pants off me (I was a teenager, heck I was 16 when I got preggers with no.1 and am still with the lazy bum, I love him dearly and probably wouldn't change him for the world)).  Would my life be different if I were still with "B"? he is a CEO of a Gas & Oil Company here in oil province (down south of here (bad city) go Oilers:) So he has money, but I wonder if life would have gone as he had hoped (me getting preggers at 15 and having his baby while he went to work and took care of me and the baby) if either of us would be happy now or if things would have gone caput and I would still be depressed/crazy?  I would love to see him again (hunk that he was, nice piece of eye candy and energizer bunny to boot), but I wouldn't want him to see me.  Does this make sense?  My mind is going up, down, this thought, that thought, round and round A + B should = C but I get every other answer but C.  AAAHHH the confusion that is my life.
Thanks for listening.
for 15 år siden 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Glad to hear that you made it back to work   (despite the itchiness!)
You are right, you cannot control your health or mental health. If this woman's husband has depression, you would think she has a bit of insight into health and mental health issues. However, you are doing the right thing by bucking up and moving on! Good on ya! Focus on the positive, you are back at work, and you trying to maintain a positive attitude.
Treat yourself well tonight...you deserve it  
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator

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