Help? I'm feeling pretty lost right now and am wondering if it is possible to apply CBT techniques to managing anniversary reactions? What kind of challenges or questions or 1,2,3,4 steps can I take to make these stop? Is there a particular session that would be helpful? How do I "begin agin" with the program?
I do feel like the depression, which descends pretty much every year at this time, is triggered by events in the past. In the present, life is good. Easy. No reason to be feeling such despair. Nevertheless, here it is again. Every six years it gets very, very intense. This is a 6th year.
So far, reviewing the relaxation techniques and grounding exercises has begun to help somewhat. I've lost my concentration and am not very good at it... it is difficult to have to relearn these things. Frustrated much with myself over this. Reminded to balance accomplishment activities with relaxation or enjoyment activities. I try. I have maintained a small part of every day for creative work.
However, when I have a moment of transition in my day's activities, I feel as if a tsunami of sadness just hits me upside the back of my head. Upside my entire self inside and out. I don't know what to do with this or why I'm so caught off guard each time it happens. It is overwhelming. It is exhausting.
In the recent past, this program gave me structure and a plan that really made life so much better... I was empowered to take control of my own life. It was amazing and wonderful. Right now, I cannot remember how to approach this stuff in a healthy and positive way. In a proactive way. I want to do something. I need to do something now!
Can CBT help me out of this ... again?