Hiya Peeps :)
I was just surfin elsewhere on da net and ran across some interesting facts that I thought I would copy and paste into this thread.
Hope ya'll enjoy.
� Smoking kills more people per year than AIDS, heroin and morphine, cocaine & crack, alcohol, auto accidents, fires, suicide, and homicide COMBINED
� Smoking is the cause of about 30% of all cancers and 80-90% of lung cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death for men and has just surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of death for women.
� National Academy of Sciences studies have found that nonsmoking wives of smoking husbands have a 35 percent higher risk of lung cancer compared with women whose husbands don't smoke.
� Smokers have two times greater risk of dying of heart attacks and three times greater risk of dying of strokes than nonsmokers
� Pipe and cigar smokers are 3-5 times more likely than non-smokers to develop cancer of the mouth and esophagus
� Children who grow up in homes with parents who smoke are twice as likely to become smokers themselves.
� Children exposed to tobacco smoke are more likely to be snorers and cough during the night
� Smokers who quit before age 50 have half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with those who continue to smoke.
� Secondhand smoke is associated with as many as 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia each year among children from 0 to 18 months of age
� Babies are 3 times more likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) if their mothers smoke during and after pregnancy.
� Smoking is responsible for an estimated one in five U.S. deaths.
� The carbon monoxide in the cigarette smoke increases the amount of cholesterol clogging the arteries.
� Women smokers enter menopause an average of 5 years earlier than nonsmokers.
� Women who smoke are at an increased risk of osteoporosis.
� The mobility of sperm is reduced in male smokers.
� When a nonsmoker marries a smoker, the risk of getting lung cancer and/or heart disease is doubled!
� The effectiveness of many medications is greatly reduced in smokers.
� Smoking accelerates the aging process.
� Excess facial hair is 7 times more frequent in women who smoke compared to those who do not!
� The tobacco indu