...and then I got unemployed. I was out there with nothing left.I was to proud to ask for help from my parents. I had no money I sold everything I had, except my guitar and I was down...so down that if you would have thrown a stone at me you wouldn't have heard it hit me. I was THE LOOSER. I tryied and tryied to get a job but something went wrong every time. So one night I was at a friend's house and we were cooking, remembering the good times, having a glass of red wine, then two, then...so on. All the people who were present were smokers and cigarettes were all over the place. I looked at one and told myself that I had so deeply fallen that it really didn't matter anymore if I slowly kill myself smoking. Nothing in my life was worth living for. My self esteem was way below freezing point. So I smoked one. God it tasted good, all those chemicals walzing in my blood, my brain was finally getting some kick, I was as high as on my first real date. It was the best feeling I ever experienced and sadly it still is.
Next thing I smoked 5 in a row. The next day I smoked like 10 and the day after I was back at one package.
Three years have passed and I am now a chain smoker, two and a half packages per day. My whole life smells like tobacco. Now I am back on track with my life, I earn good, I live a hell of a life. OK, I work hard, very hard, I do not have a wife and kids but I do well. Unluckally I smoke and none of God's days passes without feeling bad about myself.
Now, why don't I quit?
Well a non-smoking friend told me once : "Smoking allways fills up the emptyness in you. As long as you are not content with your life you will never be able to quit." He was not refering to everyday troubles, he ment the way you see yourself within your world.
And that is the point my friends, that is where the junkie gets his greatest power from. From you. That is why everytime we fall he is there to confort us with the blue, velvety, soothing smoke. This is why it is so hard to quit because the demon is allways there when God has left.
I heard people saying that when quiting the first days/weeks are hard. It is not true. It is hard for the rest of your life. The good thing is that God never leaves you but nor does the deamon.
The change of lifestyle that com