New Years not only brings in new members, but also brings back the old too! I guess I never really thought just how much we slow down the service �.. :blush:
But there is something about New Years �. new hope, a new start to a new year, a new beginning. :) It is a celebration! :)
Many of us thought about the quit as every new year rolled around. One day this year I will quit smoking was my song � then the chorus � tomorrow tomorrow maybe tomorrow �.. but then something comes over you, you start to see smoking for what it really is, you stop romancing the act of smoking, you stop babying the addiction and let go of the fear long enough to take that first step � then the wave of acceptance hits you, you replace fear with education and determination. You believe that this is your year and you don�t look back, you develop trust, faith and strong coping skills �this is the year, then you fly high, as you count off those milestones, this is the year you can turn ashes into gold!
Yup, there is something about those New Years, the memories come flooding back and you want to check back on the site that made all the difference in the world, you want to remember those early struggles, you want to show the newbies that it can be done, just by taking it one day at a time.
Lin, [color=Red]Proud to be smoke free for Three years, nine months, three weeks, one day, 16 minutes and 9 seconds. 27860 cigarettes not smoked, saving $5,572.04. Life saved: 13 weeks, 5 days, 17 hours, 40 minutes.[/color]
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 798
Hours: 12
Minutes: 52
Seconds: 22
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked