Jess, you said exactly what i have been feeling and yesterday i walked into the cig store,paid 4.80 for my brand, come home , smoked 8 cigs since yesterday and guess what? It only made me feel worse. I didnt feel relaxed, it tasted dog nasty, smelled putrid, gave me a headache, disapointed my husband and children and now i lose my 10 day quit. I have a really hard time expressing myself and how i feel, so i just hide in my smoke...What ive been thru in the last 24 hours is in no way as bad as what hell week was. I didnt expect to grieve for my smokes so bad.. In 25 years of heavy smoking, this has been my first attempt to quit, im going to keep quiting no matter what and i hope to see you here so we can celebrate our new way of life together.