Hey Brent! Got lost for almost a month�Wasn't embarrassed or anything...just didn't want to waste any person's time with my serial quitting episodes. Needless to say, I am still smoking. My birthday is Jan. 18, so I have set my grandzillionth quit day for Jan. 17, so that I can consider my 24-hour quit a present to myself...I'll be 39. I am quite tired of trying to quit. Notwithstanding some very tried and true methods of coping, quitting involves just that--quitting smoking�this was a hard pill for me to swallow, but it is a very simple notion, but so very hard for me to accept. the next few days I will devote myself to accepting some things: I am an addict, even though I hardly ever smoked over 10 cigarettes in day for the whole 23 years that I smoked, cravings will come and I will feel bad, cravings and thoughts are not commands, but suggestions...I will also be working on just loving myself and treating myself right. Each of you has been so very supportive�Thanks! By the way, I am not down and out�I will crush this addiction.
Go Brent!!!! I was so proud to see your mileage�.