Hi, all. This is long, but hopefully if someone identifies with it, it will help. If not, my fingers got some well-needed exercise.
I live in the so-called Valley of the Sun (the Phoenix, Arizona metro area). We have a serious pollution problem, primarily from vehicle exhaust. Dust blown in from the desert contributes, but the exhaust is the biggest offender. The worst time is during the winter with all the "snowbird" visitors and inversion layers that trap the brown cloud against the ground.
Back when I smoked high pollution days would make me smoke more. Never could figure that one out, but the pattern was rock solid. I would go from just under a pack a day to 1 1/2 or 2 packs a day. I would simply feel "the need" more often and, of course, would satisfy it.
Also, back when I smoked sometimes my heart would pound a few times a day at about 110 - 120 beats per minute so hard I could see it moving my chest. Every couple of days during one of these pounding sessions it would stop at the beginning of a beat and sort of flutter for a second or so, then resume. All this would happen at any time, even when the most strenuous thing I'd done for a couple of hours was sit in my recliner watching TV.
After I quit at the end of May, I found that when the pollution would go up so would my craving. We don't have many high pollution days during the summer and early fall, but there are a few and those days were really rough.
Then came the holiday season with all the snowbirds, people driving in to visit families, sightseeing, shopping, etc. Plus the EPA relaxed the requirement for oxygenated fuel in the wake of Katrina so the cars' exhausts were dirtier. And we haven't had any rain in the last 124 days to wash the air.
The result is that I've been in a low-level crave since Thanksgiving. With the exceptions of a couple of days immediately after Christmas Day and a few day-trips out of the brown cloud, this has been constant along with the junkie thought that having a cig would make it go away.
Now don't anyone get upset! The quit is in no danger. It's like my clothes are really uncomfortable: very annoying, but I'm not about to go naked. ;)
Anyhow, right after Christmas the pounding heart started again, happening once every several da