I felt that this post deserved to be out in front so that it will not be overlooked ( by some who may not have time to read through the whole thread). It is a response by Stockport1 to Joe.
When I read this. I thought wow, that is where I am at. That is how I know that I am really quit and that I know that I am going to make it.
I had a "lapse of good judgement" or A "slip" on day 47 by the way, Whatever you want to call it. I am so thankful that I did not lose my quit. The reality is that when you reintroduce nicotine into your system, you reawaken those receptor sites in your brain that you are trying to rewire. This setback could result in failure. That is A chance that I do not want to take again.
Anyway here is Stckport1 (Ian) 's post....
Great insight Golferman.
I have a similar outlook to you. The way I see it is that we have two voices inside of us all. We have the outer voice the Conscious mind and the inner voice, the subconscious mind. One we can have a rational conversation with (the conscious mind). This outer voice can answer back with valid reasons not to smoke. This voice is especially lucid in times of calm and normality. However the inner voice (subconscious mind) is more irrational. It takes everything at face vlaue, it does not have the ability to decide what is right or wrong, what is true or false or what is thought or reality. It takes everything and processes it as a command. So as you say using words such as "try, trying, attempting" all these words are really telling your subconscious "it's not time yet"
I posted in another tread about willpower and how everyone believes they must have superhuman levels of it to be able to quit. But what I think happens is this.
It is almost like the devil and the angel sitting on your shoulder. The angel is your rational conscious voice, telling you how you really want to quit and how bad it is for you. Then you have the devil, your subconscious voice sitting there telling you how you must smoke to stay safe and stop the anxiety. Both are vieing for your attention, it is just which one shouts the loudest.
Then all of a sudden you declare, "I am going to quit". The angel cheers and the devil gasps in astonishment. Your subconscious now goes into defence mode. After all y